View Full Version : Hi, Im new!

03-09-08, 02:00
Hi Everyone,
Ive just joined this site. I have never heard of it before. I have been a dedicated member on another site that has a depression support thread but this site seems to have lots of subjects that hopefully can help me.Without going into an essay,god my life is a long long misery but I am dealing with things. I have one thing to be proud of and that is my child who keeps me alive. I have suffered with depression for many many years. When I look back, I was depressed as a child but to cut the story short, my depression came back suddenly to haunt me with full blown anxiety and panic attacks which is now basically taking over my life. I am on medication which doesnt seem to help but then Im not giving up on getting better. Sorry its a short post but its really late and I have to get up early to take ds to school.

03-09-08, 02:07
hiya and welcome, it really is great site. i found everybody is extremely friendly and helpfull. nighty night :)

03-09-08, 02:35

03-09-08, 02:47
Thank you mrsdebbie and AlisonJ. Hopefully will catch up on one the threads sometime soon.

03-09-08, 10:08
Thanks Tetley,
Im still trying to find my way around here lol, Im so pleased that i have found this site. So much stuff I suffer from is on here. Is the chat like a livechat room? Thanks

milly jones
03-09-08, 10:20
A wonderfully warm NMP welcome to you

Milly xxxx :hugs:

03-09-08, 10:34

:welcome: to nmp

jodie x

03-09-08, 10:54
Thank you milly jones and jodie. x

03-09-08, 11:49

03-09-08, 16:41
Hi AngelDelight,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get support. Glad you found us.

Take care,


03-09-08, 16:49
Hi AngelDelight

Welcome to the site I am sure you will find the people on here very supportive.

Take care


03-09-08, 20:39
Hi Angeldelight

:welcome: to the site where u will find lots of nice people and some good advice and support

love mandie x

03-09-08, 21:25
Hi AngelDelight

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

03-09-08, 22:48
I joined a few days ago too so it's early for me to say but I hope we find the help and support that we need here.

take care

03-09-08, 23:55
Hi and a very big welcome, Im sure you will get lots of useful advice and make lots of new friends.You cannot go into chat immediately, need to be a member for 5 days first.xx

04-09-08, 08:28
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

04-09-08, 09:10
Hi and :welcome: :welcome: to nmp.

You'll get lots of help and support and make many new friends

04-09-08, 23:19
Hi Everyone, thank you so much for welcoming me. I cant remember everyones names as I have very bad memory due to my medication and old age lol.So I thank you all for being so kind and helpful.:bighug1:

I havent been on here properly yet as Ive been really stressed. I have been trying to put chest of draws together and its the 3rd day today. I done it all wrong. I feel so angry with myself as Im usually good with things like that. I really messed it up so its sitting in my room with pieces everywhere. I cant stand mess, I have a bit of OCD but when im down I cant do much so it gets messy and it aggitates me. I had to get ds chest of draws to and thought id done it well till I realised I done it back to front:doh: . It look weird but if i take that apart and put it how it should be all the holes will be seen where I hammered the nails in. I feel so useless and just feel real crap. I really tried to do it too. I dont really have any family. I am a single mum, like many others on here and its hard. I have one sibling who i see now and then but he doesnt understand what Im going through. He usually has a go at me to pull myself together, to let go of the past and so on. I tell him about my depression, anxiety and the rest but he doesnt understand. He thinks its easy.I hope it gets easier. It seems that when things slightly get better, something comes along out of the blue and hits you in the face and brings you back down again.
Im so tired too, not sleeping well at all. Im really hungry, im going to get a bite to eat as I dont eat well either so am going to try and eat well although its hard for me.
Anyway thanks again everyone, sorry for the rant. Im sure I will catch up with you all at some point somewhere.
Bye for now
Hugs xx

05-09-08, 06:17
Hi AD and welcome -great name you have chosen. NMP is great for lots of support and new pals.

06-09-08, 02:13
Hello Angel And Welcome To The Site , I Wish Ya Well, Linda