View Full Version : someone pls help me

03-09-08, 06:32
hi guys im amie and im new here

well lets start by saying that i have really bad health anxiety and i feel like im dying always. i have had this since i was a little girl but it got really bad about 1 year ago and i dunno what to do anymore (crying) i have a 3 year old hes my world and all i keep thinking is im going to leave him motherless! becuz i have this chest pain that never goes away and it in my back to and im just so tired of this crap. its always something new with me it can be a little pain in the knee and i feel like its my time. today i felt really tired at work i mean really tired like i was going to pass out and all i would think was omg im dying!!! and to top it all of my husband and i got into a huge fight right now and he left. i have nobody to understand how i feel so im hoping that SOMEONE can please be a friend to me here and give me some advise.

thanks :weep:

03-09-08, 07:15
Hi Aime

Im also new here, i do understant how you feel, theres always a pain, theres always something wrong and it feels never ending, i said to my boyfriend only this week i would love to wake up and have a whole day without anykind of pain it would be such a luxury, hang on in there, keep telling yourself your ok, try and focus on your son, and maybe when you start to feel scard your not gonna be around play with him and try and take your mind away from the thing that is bothering you. I know its easier said than done!

Hang on in there, hope i helped a little bit :flowers:

02-11-08, 17:12
Feel like you, been there (and still am) and got the t-shirt! I still feel like this but if it's any help, take comfort in what you've got. The pain in the chest is awful, but your son sounds awesome!! Focus on him. My kids are the best thing in my life and I'm so proud. Try to be positive not negative - whoa, listen to me!! Take care, and honestly look at the positives, however small, in your life. And take comfort in the fact there are other people out there who feel the same as you. Much love....

02-11-08, 19:30
Hiya Aime
Im chantel 23 frm worcester england
Im suffering like you with dreaded HA and have been for 7 mnts and in that 7 mnths man iv had every symptom in the book. and i also have 2 small children myself so i can really understand ur pain and pressure hunni.id love to b ur friend and help supprot u so please please get in touch. my email on msn is kendricksbabygal@hotmail.com plz let me no how ur doing if u dnt wana email jus send me a private message im here all the time
Best Wishes C.xxxx

anx mum
02-11-08, 19:35
Hi aime im Bev. For the last 2 months i have had chest pains, breathing problems and pins and needles. I always worrying im dying i also have a 3 year old and worry leaving him motherless. text bk if u wanna chat

02-11-08, 19:42
hi amie im michelle i have the same problem as you have been panicking for a couple of days now that i am going to die i dont know if you have read my post is horrible and i am here for you if you want to chat xx

03-11-08, 00:53
loads of people think thay are going to die its all in the mind
your be fine you see .......wish you better

03-11-08, 06:32
hi guys im amie and im new here

well lets start by saying that i have really bad health anxiety and i feel like im dying always. i have had this since i was a little girl but it got really bad about 1 year ago and i dunno what to do anymore (crying) i have a 3 year old hes my world and all i keep thinking is im going to leave him motherless! becuz i have this chest pain that never goes away and it in my back to and im just so tired of this crap. its always something new with me it can be a little pain in the knee and i feel like its my time. today i felt really tired at work i mean really tired like i was going to pass out and all i would think was omg im dying!!! and to top it all of my husband and i got into a huge fight right now and he left. i have nobody to understand how i feel so im hoping that SOMEONE can please be a friend to me here and give me some advise.

thanks :weep:

I am going to be mean now and say for a while you need to forget about your aches and pains and focus on your son
Those little twinges all over your body are not going to kill you, your husband has walked out and your son is probably upset by this if he see you distressed about a pain in your body he may think he is going to loose you to.

I do not suffer from HA but I am registered disabled and to cap it all have a brain tumour. My ex walked out after 18yrs but through everything my focus has been on my children (one of which has OCD, social paranoia etc) my health is not important their welfare is especially as they have only me now)

Sorry I seem so horrible but this is a time to lay your cards on the table. I know you cannot help feeling as you do (just as my daughter cannot help feeling the way she does but she doesn't have to care for a 3 yr old).

Good luck anyway and I hope you husband comes back.:flowers: