View Full Version : Pain

03-09-08, 07:10
Hey everybody

keep getting myself worried at the mo, went to see doc on saturday had a really bad earache and my back was really hurtin and i needed to keep peeing a lot, i also had aaching under my rib cage around my stomach.

Doc said i had inflammation of the ear canal, fine no probs with that he gave me a spray.
Done a urine test and said there were slight traces of blood and that it was prob the starting of a urine infection seeing as he exmained the whole stomach area and couldnt feel anything that shouldnt be there, thing isive been taking the antibiotics since saturday, and although the pain in my back, sides and around the stomach area isnt constant anymore its still there and not going, i read up on the internet that you can have either Lower or upper UTI and im being treated for a lower, i keep trying to tell myself i di have some of the symptoms of lower and a few of the upper, but i keep thinking that if i go to the docs they are gonna say its something bad, as i have never had pain around the stomach and rib area before with a uti always in the back and groin area, ive also been getting pains in my armpits mostly the left one, i ve checked them over and they both feel the same but im starting to worry anybody any ideas???

03-09-08, 10:34
Sorry you're feeling lousy at the moment, santorini. UTIs are very annoying.

I guess you've got a week-long course of antibiotics? It might take the whole course for them to clear up the infection, even then your symptoms might not go away immediately. I'd say hang on in there until the end of the week, see if you feel a bit better over the weekend. Wherever the infection is, if it's bacterial, the antibiotics should sort it out.

If you still feel bad after the antibiotics are all gone, maybe go back to your doctor next week. Either way, you're doing what you can. The infection coupled with your anxiety may be making you focus on aches and pains all over the place. When I had a viral infection recently, I kept feeling pains in my torso and was thinking - is that my liver? Is that my pancreas?! Most of the pains didn't stick around when I ignored them :)

PS the lymph nodes under your arm might be a little irritated while you fight the infection. Again, I'd see how you feel after the antibiotics are finished. Good luck :winks: