View Full Version : Im am new and am posting about dizziness

03-09-08, 11:53
Hello everyone, I am new here and i am a little overwhelmed with all this here. I don't know if I am posting in the right place or if i will remember how to get back here, so please bare with me..
I have had bad panic attacks, anxiety and agoraphobia for 5 years now, but I believe i have suffered from anxiety for the most part of my life.
I have some good days and a lot of bad days. I dont understand why i am still not better than i was like 2or3 years ago..My problem is with the dizziness. I feel dizzy most of the time throughout the day, I am finding hard to cope with it. It seems that the dizziness seems to bring on the panic attacks..I get worse when i have to go out and believe me , thats not often. My doctor says that it is all part of the panic disorder, but I am thinking it could be something to do with sugar levels and/or something to do with my ear. I take meds for the dizzines but they dont seem to work somehow..I was just wondering if anyone has this dizzy thing and if so, how do you go about handling it...Thankyou so much for listening...Any kind of feed back is so appriciated....thankyou all again...

chicken licken
03-09-08, 13:33
Hi JoJo,
Im new too ,
Ive had panic anxiety for the last 3/4 years, it really peaked about then anyway and over the last 2 years its gradually improved , slowly and its only when I look back at how I was 3/4 years ago that I see how I have improved somewhat, my depression is very mild and Its more frustration at the anxiety.

anyway on to the dizzyness......when I get anxious I get dizzy too, and un-balanced and like a mr softy feel, also I get so hot and sweat so light headed from that too but over the last month I became really dizz, and pretty much from the minuet I woke up and while I was in bed ....infact i barely slept and along with this I started having anxiety as bad as before.
when it first stared like this again a few weeks agoI also had a really bad cold , snotty runny nose type sore throat usual stuff, so put it down to being run down and virus why I was anxious and so dizzy and spun out .
When after the cold had well gone and I still felt so dizzy infact more dizzy I started to think other possible causes, first I automatically pointed the finger at my anxiety but after a week of constant dizzyness and anxiety panicy and no sleep , I thought this cant be right I cant possibley be that panicy for that amount of time there was no break and when I thought about it I was mosty panicy at the fact I was so topsy turvy and the 'shaken up and about' feel .... any way thinking there was possibly another reason I looked into it and read into dizzyness and various types of vertigo and and how sufferers are sometimes misdiagnosed with having anxiety and the dizzyness is put down to be a symptom of the anxiety, when actually they are panicy and anxious because they are dizzy and have a form of vertigo.
anyway of I trotted hoping for doc to give me a cure !!! lol! I wasn't given anything anyway but that advised to try antihistamine or travel sickness tablets and that the dizziness was very likely to be to do with my ears and the fact I had just gotten over a virus type cold, even though my ears didn't hurt he said it would improve but can be a few weeks sometimes and if it got worse , hurt weeped or didn't improve in a week or so to come back, no antibiotics either cause It was probably viral cause.
other symptoms I had I found were down to my ear too not the panic I thought they part of, the tinnitus, ringing, loud and dulled weird hearing ,eyes feeling wrong and focus intense and not right , shuting my eyes made me feel like I was all over the place , every thing seemed much darker than it should be, gloomy and night vision was rubbish too, I slept very little mostly when it started to get light, I can get all these when I panic anyway, and i know at the moment my dizzyness etc is temporay (hopefully) and most likey seperate to my anxiety I get anyway ... but they were all more extreem intensified no doubt by my freaking out about it and now I realise part of the dizzyness/ vetigo I have at the minuet ... (there is other names for it too Its completly gone out of my head what !)

any way bla bla bla ..... I know you say you have been like it for 2-3 years and I take it you mean dizzy too and for most of the time, Ive heard people sometime suffer from vertigo for years rather than weeks , my mums neighbour did and really affected his life, Mabey you should have a read up on the subject see if anything rings home and then if it does tackle your GP over checking your ears out.

Its really horrid feeling so dizzy ,It really does interfere with daily living xx

03-09-08, 14:25
put dizziness into the seach box on the title bar and see how many of us suffer with dizziness / giddiness. You are not alone......
best wishes

03-09-08, 14:43
Hey jojo, I have suffered constant dizziness for two years which brought on my anxiety attacks just as you have described, although my GP thinks it happened the other way around. If you want more info on what may be causing your dizzyness you could check out a site called dizzy times (www.dizzytimes.com) it can be really helpful. However if you suffer from health anxiety it may be more of a hinderance causing you to worry more. You should ask your doctor to run a battery of simple tests to check that your dizziness is caused by something like blood sugar levels etc ie complete blood tests, heart monitoring and blood pressure monitoring. When all these are ruled out as possibilities then inner ear problems or migraines are perhaps routes you should persue asking your doctor to refer you to specialists. I have been desperately trying to get me referred to a neuro otologist (ear and balance specialist) but he is refusing. The fight for inner ear dysfunction to be diagnosed is a difficult one as it is a very under researched area. I was coping ok in the knowledge that I have it for so long it cannot be anything serious, it is just something Ill have to live with, but sadly that isnt much comfort. I am not coping so well with it nowadays, panicking a lot but sites like this one have heled me greatly. Hope this helps. Di x

03-09-08, 17:34
I was dizzy for weeks, and it got progressively worse day by day, until the point where I couldn't get out of bed. No doctor could find out what was going on, I had neuro tests done, blood tests, ecg's and so on...
One of the doctors I visited suggested I'd see a psychologist.
I walked out from the psychologists office totally fine again, and haven't been dizzy since.

If you have panic disorder, you often also suffer a bit from somatization. Mild, normal symptoms of stress, hunger, or everyday minor pain are converted into dehabilitating illness.
There is actually nothing wrong with you, but you think it is, and in fact bring on the dizziness by yourself.

milly jones
03-09-08, 17:47
A wonderfully warm NMP welcome to you

Milly xxxx :hugs:

04-09-08, 04:07
I would like to thank you all for your support. I never knew how many people get this untill i had a look around here..Im still trying to get used to the site..It took me ages to find this here again....but i will get used to it. I wish you all an axiety free day....love and hugs to all of you. You are all a great bunch of people I am glad to be here..Thankyou all again...Jo...