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View Full Version : new diagnosis, any help appreciated

milly jones
03-09-08, 13:29

today they changed my meds and my diagnosis

they now think that its not sa but avoidant personality disorder

please can anyone give me info without me googling

they changed my ssri too and said i needed antipsychotic medication

i was offered vol hosp stay which i refused

please nmper help me undertsnad this

i just about got my head round sa and now it appears not to be this

what is avoidant personality disorder?

she did talk to me but i was so distressed i couldnt listen

i did pick up the bits about the ocd and sexual difficulties which answers some of my questions

please if anyone else has this can they contact me

mill xxx

03-09-08, 14:41
Hi Milly

I dont know what avoidant personality disorder is but I wanted to send you a hug :hugs:


03-09-08, 14:45
If the doctor as diagnosed you with this what is the harm in googling it? Even better still why not check it out on the NHS or BUPA sites. I kno nothing about this so i can't help you there but you do need to find out all you can about it. Things don't seem as bad when you understand them, Good luck x

03-09-08, 14:56
Hiya m8 .....It is a lot 2 take in m8 but if you had got your head around SA then you will with APD ...as far as Im aware they are similar in the fact that u avoid social contact and are self critical,never thinking you are good enough and scared of being embarresed .....however with APD it affects you with people who you are close 2 aswell.....maybe you have problems being intimate etc......I dont know if this is how its affecting you !

as you havent gone in hosp are they providing you with any other treatment such as counselling xxx

Hope that helps alittle xxxx

Titch xx

milly jones
03-09-08, 15:56
yes i am having weekly treatment anyway

ty for ur replies, lilleylou, pinkpiglet and titch, hugs xx

i did google cos i was scared

it describes me well

if anyone else has this would welcome contact as help sites seem to be based in usa, and i prefer nmp anyway

love milly xxx

03-09-08, 17:22
Hey Milly,

I googled it for you. I didn't find anything that would be disturbing to you so go ahead and read about it for yourself.

Take care and hang in there.


milly jones
03-09-08, 18:04
cheers nat

have settled down a bit now

just get scared, esp when they mess with my meds

think the antipsychotics meds freaked me out

mill xxx

03-09-08, 20:22

Have you been put on a different ssri or anti depressant. Don't worry about the antipsychotics cos they are given in small dosages for anxiety. I was given one earlier in the year when I was very bad with my anx, I was given it to help me sleep at night.

Please don't worry yourself it will only make you worse. That's our problem the worrying we do just sets the old vicious circle off.

Take care xx


milly jones
03-09-08, 20:33
they changed my ssri and added an antipsychotic to control unwanted paranoid thoughts

thanks for ur wishes yvonne