View Full Version : Going to GP later, am I doing the right thing?

03-09-08, 13:49
I have been having an anxiety 'blip' for a few months now and its wearing me down. I have been trying to fight it but I feel my anxiety has taken over my thoughts totally, I can't seem to stop worrying about every ache and pain, worrying I will get meningitis or septicemia all the time because I have had a virus for 5-6 weeks now and can't shake it off:blush: embaressing to admit that but they are my fears.

I saw my GP 2 weeks ago and told him how low i was so he said to wait a few weeks but see him again if no better. He knows my history and is a good listener. I poured all my thoughts out to him and he tried to help.

Today I woke up with a sore stabbing ear pain and still snotty and coughing, GP told me if the virus continued to come back and it seems to be still there with avengance so I need to go back I guess. My hubby has booked me in for later because he is worried about me worrying, bless him.

I kind of want to ask for antidepressants but I don't feel depressed as such, last time I was on them I was really snappy, moody etc... but I had lost a baby so was in a bad way and they did help. I just don't see how they will stop me worrying or will they?? I really can't see that they would stop my fears about illness or stop me checking myself etc...

My hubby and I want another child at some point aswell (not right now) but would being on medication prevent me from trying again?

Lots of things going around in my head, I feel so upset. The receptionists speak to me like s**t everytime I ring or call in. Last time I rung they were nice as pie until she knew it was me then she was really rude:weep: gets me down. I went there 2 weeks ago to see my GP about how low my mood was and my virus and he was very nice, that was an emergency on a wednesday so it should be him again later but I am worried what he will think of me for going on one of his emergency appointments. When I rung the reception he couldn't see me until next week:blush:

I don't want to fall into the trap of being on medication, is it the right thing for anxiety? I had a self help book for anxiety but the library needed it back and wouldn't let me extend it and CBT is taking forever to come through. I have 3 young children so need to get over this, will I ever though?

03-09-08, 14:09
:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::h ugs:

Hope you get sorted at the doctors hun, take no notice of the receptionists, I am a medical secretary and it amazes me how some of them are with patients, remember they are not the doctor,
one thing at least your hubby is supportive that is half the battle for you, good luck and best wishes.



03-09-08, 14:19
Hi Libby,

I think you are doing the right thing by seeing your doctor, especially since he seems to be understanding, he realises you are struggling and wants to help, and of course it is a good thing to see if he can help get rid of that virus - sounds like you could be run down. Don't worry about the receptionist, sometimes they can get rather above themselves - she isn't the one treating you. Sometimes our anxiety gets to such a level that it does need to be sorted sooner rather than later, so I don't think your doctor is going to be too concerned that you are booked in on his emergency list.

Medication can help tremendously with this problem, and it is worthwhile considering; your doctor will be able to advise you, and he will also be monitoring you carefully, which is good, because you will be able to see him on a regular basis and be able to give him an update on how you are feeling.
You are fortunate to have an understanding doctor, so don't be nervous about allowing him to help. I hope the CBT treatment comes through before long, because that can also be helpful. I think with the right support there is every reason to believe you will be able to cope with this condition. Good luck - don't worry.

chris q
03-09-08, 14:24
good luck

03-09-08, 15:25
Thank you all for replying.

How strange but within 5 minutes of posting CBT rung me and offered me my first session tomorrow!!!

I am worried about seeing GP on an emergency appointment, he did want me to wait until the morning to see him but I can't as I have CBT and I don't want to cancel that. The receptionist thought I was being a pain and was quite abrupt. I am dreading going now, he will probably be horrible to me for demanding to see him tonight:-(

03-09-08, 15:49
Hi Libby

I am glad you have got your fist cbt appointment.

I got really cross reading your post about the way that receptionist has treated you!!!! She is no different to anybody else and has no right to treat you like dirt. If it carries on i should complain.
With all what you are going through, you do not need that everytime you call for an appointment. If you don't want to complain in writing then have a word with your doc next time your in there, maybe he'll sort it out.

I once had a receptionist talk about me in front of myself and other patients waiting to go in to the doctors (years ago now) i walked up to her told her what i thought then told the doctor, after i got home i received a phone call from her saying she was sorry, and so she should be.

Don't let people treat you like dirt please, you're worth more than that :hugs:

03-09-08, 16:36
Im on paroxetine and in just 4 weeks I felt so much better, I now need to consider comming off for kids BUT if you don't have that worry then try some!!! you have nothing to loose and trust me after four weeks you realise what normal feels like.


03-09-08, 19:02
What have u done then now? My cbt not starting till 16th Sept.

Thank you all for replying.

How strange but within 5 minutes of posting CBT rung me and offered me my first session tomorrow!!!

I am worried about seeing GP on an emergency appointment, he did want me to wait until the morning to see him but I can't as I have CBT and I don't want to cancel that. The receptionist thought I was being a pain and was quite abrupt. I am dreading going now, he will probably be horrible to me for demanding to see him tonight:-(

03-09-08, 19:47
goodluck with the cbt libby it will really help u hun and take no notice of receptionists they can be so rude, i was on reception for years and was always lovely and helpful no matter wot, if they not like that they should be struck off.

03-09-08, 22:22
Thank you all.

I did complain about that receptionist last week when i missed my sons appointment by mistake, rung to apologise following day and she said if it happened again i would be written to be the manager and may be taken off the pracitce list. I emailed manager and he complained.

She was jsut very akward, made me tell her wot the problem was, practically demanded to know:-( I hate them knowing my business. I had to tel her everything:-(

Saw GP he has prescribed dothiepin and wants to see me in 3 weeks to see how I feel. He said he thought CBT would help and wasn't sure wot i expected going on medication would achieve as im not depressed. He did a anxiety & depression test and i scored low for depression but high for anxiety. He thinks only I can stop my way of thinking and I am sure he is right.

I have had a full stabbing ear all day so told him, he had a look and said nothing acute going on so not to worry, just said nothing has changed since he last refered me to ENT last year but no infection so not to worry. Wonder why im in pain then and feels all full?:-( odd.

Thank you all, hope my cbt helps tomorrow.

03-09-08, 23:08
Hi Libby

Receptionists make me so cross, in no way should you have to tell them your problems that is confidential between you and the GP. If it happens again you should complain in writing!!!
Hope you are feeling better after your visit.

Take care

Elaine xx

04-09-08, 08:03
Thanks Elaine,

I am just embarressed now, they will all be laughing about me im sure.