View Full Version : My life seems to dull and bad

03-09-08, 14:10
I just feel really bad right now and have done for some months.

On paper I should be happy got family, friends and a job I got a few months back, kind of ok for money and stuff.

But I feel anxious, I hate being single and I feel I need a holiday. I feel really down if it's not one thing annoying me it's another and I have got annoyed with people a few times more recently. I just feel I'm not going anywhere in life. Ok i got a job a few months back but lots of good people have left and I have anxiety with too many hours and I worried because I lost weight with the walking and running about I do as I am slim already. I have my three meals a day but it's still a major anxiety worry.

I just can't find a relationship, a date or anything this is depressing me I feel there is nothing out there for me and it's changed my views on the world. I read the newspaper about the Big bang test on September 10th and it's made my life doom and gloom as I fear the world will end because of what the newspapers have put.

I feel nothing will make me happy, before i got my job I wanted some new things like a tv now i've got it i just don't seem to care. My life just feels empty I'm not sure what to do. I'm worried I will go mad and already feel I'm heading that way.

I've to relax but I just can't relax got all itchy and just dont wanna give up looking for a nice woman. About a year and a half ago I was happy since then nothing has been the same. Plus everybody I'm around is just as glum as they are single or hate work too and the credit crunch means everybody is skint so the atmosphere is awful and it makes me feel even worse.

I just can't see it getting any better before the end of the year..it could be worse by next year? I dont understand why I suppose I'm in a better position than months back with new friends and a job but I feel ten times worse? It's just hard to explain. I figured out 50% was work and 50% was not finding a woman plus any anxiety but I know the answer is not to look for another job as I've still to get a permanent contact where I am. I feel I should be happy as there are people worse off but I have to see my life and how to improve it...I duno where to go? I'm 20 next month and feel depressed by it.

Plus nobody seems to be starting relationships these days and they like being single..looks like a social issue which makes me feel even more down about things.

With the hours I work I find it hard to get a good social life and do things I enjoy like football. I don't get why nothing is pleasing me now but it took so little a few years back...just having a g.f make me feel on top of the world. :shrug:

Veronica H
03-09-08, 15:53
Hi Phil
Are you on any meds for depression? It might be worth seeing your doctor to check this out. I am on a low dose of Citalopram just 10mg per day but it really has lifted my mood. It is difficult to deal with all of the other anxiety symptoms when you feel generally depleted. Contemplation is the enemy for anxious people like us, and I notice you are over analysing the past and the future. Try to stay in the moment while you get some more help with this. You have done well to stay in your job and as for relationships, who knows, if your mood lifts it may nolonger seem the answer to everything, but something to look forward to without too much pressure.
Take Care
Veronica H

03-09-08, 16:04
Hi Phil

YOu do sound a little depressed. I too suggest you go and have a word with doc he/she may be able to give you a low dose of something to pick you up

In the meantime here's a big:bighug1: