View Full Version : Tiredness- what helps?

03-09-08, 16:40
Hi all,

Recently more and more I've been having days of extreme tiredness because of the constant anxiety. Today for example its been really doing my head in as I've been really tired all day. But having 3 kids and my wife doing everything doesn't allow the chance for a nap.

I don't drink coffee so I thought maybe an energy drink might do the trick. I just need a pick me up of some sort as I am getting very agitated because I am so tired and can't sleep. What I need is a pick me up. Can anyone suggest anything that has worked for them?



04-09-08, 00:52
I feel really tired most of the day. I do find it is worse when I think about it so I try to distract myself and keep busy. I have trouble sleeping at night so I am trying to have a routine before going to bed. I usually get ready for bed, read and have a tea. Sometimes this helps, other times it doesn't. Not sure if this helps, but you are not alone.
Take care.

04-09-08, 00:57
Exercise is the best thing for this trust me

It makes you sleep better as well.

04-09-08, 01:15
Hi Nechtan ......hope u ok ......i have tiredness but then when it comes 2 bed time i cant sleep ..hence being up now at 1am ..even though I only had 3 hours sleep last night ..it drives me mad .........Having three children around you will def make u tired I only have 1 and she exhausts me .........all I can say is stay away from energy drinks .in my opinion ..........They contain such high caffiene which is no good when suffering anxiety ........i thought it was right thing and had red bull and lucozade at work but then my anxiety hit me soooooooooooooo hard .my doc sed it due 2 energy drinks and I was told 2 exercise .........unfortunatley I havent yet been able 2 do this as just the word exercise makes me panic lol........have u had any blood tests recently 2 check iron levels etc ....as anemia can cause fatigue .........but also as u prob also know anxiety in itself causes tiredness and fatigue .........

Have a bath and read if pos i know its difficult sumtyms but just try and get yrself at least half an hour 2 yrself and relax xxxxxxxxx

big hugs 2 u
Titch xx

04-09-08, 15:18
yes excersise will build mucle and give you more engery. make sure you are getting enough vitimins and are eating healty, too much coffee, sugar and fat will make you feel yucky and tired.

04-09-08, 15:22
Thanks all for the reply.

I just noticed on rereading that I put "pick me up" twice, thats what a tired mind does.

@feels_like_home- I used to have a routine just like that but with the kids its no longer the case. I find when its bed time I'm ready to sleep but the baby is up so late and his sister up so early that 6 hours is the most I get. My wife gets less but I think with the constant anxiety I am just tiring more.

@nomorepanic- Yes I am getting more exercise now than I was and do get a better sleep as a result. I feel though its the constant anxiety more than the lack of sleep that is tiring me. Though obviously lack of sleep doesn't help.

@titchjd- Thanks as always and I hope you are very well too. Cheers for the advice about the energy drinks. I think I did read something about them giving you a temporary boost but leaving you feeling worse after that boost which sounds like what happened in your experience.

I think like the rest I'll just have to endure. Ironically although I hate baths, prefer showers before anyone asks ;) , I had a hot one with Radox last night after my walk and was well ready for bed when I went. I went to bed earlier than ususal but it was still 0:45 by the time the baby went down and we has some winding down time. He woke up crying and came into bed with us at some point during the night and for some unknown reason the two girls were standing awake in our room at 7:00. I could have screamed!

04-09-08, 16:36
Hi Nechtan ....hope you are feeling ok 2 day ..... you put you had a bath after you went for walk.....so well done for going for a walk thats brill...hope you are coping with it ok .

Having 3 young children would upset any1s bedtime routine ....like you I dont like baths especially if its 2 hot ..but might give it a go one night .

was just wondering do you sleep in the day time at all ?..or is that a daft question having 3 children haha x

take care

Titch xxxxxx

04-09-08, 19:12
yes excersise will build mucle and give you more engery. make sure you are getting enough vitimins and are eating healty, too much coffee, sugar and fat will make you feel yucky and tired.

Thanks Mishel. I have been reading alot of posts concerning vitamin B which might be worth a look. I also found an old thread on here which mentioned an energy supplement Boots were doing which I'd assume was a bunch of vitamins too.

Hi Nechtan ....hope you are feeling ok 2 day ..... you put you had a bath after you went for walk.....so well done for going for a walk thats brill...hope you are coping with it ok .

Having 3 young children would upset any1s bedtime routine ....like you I dont like baths especially if its 2 hot ..but might give it a go one night .

was just wondering do you sleep in the day time at all ?..or is that a daft question having 3 children haha x

take care

Titch xxxxxx

Unfortunately no chance of a sleep during the day. My parents visited on Tuesday and took the kids out for half an hour. In that short time both my wife and I fell asleep. Even if my wife let my I would be too guilty to sleep during the day as she is the one up through the night breast feeding and then taking the girls to school/nursery as well as getting the shopping.

To be honest though my own tiredness is different. I see a pattern emerging- though not all the time. As I have this problem with people coming to the house I think the experience really knocks me for six. I've noticed that when people have visited recently either the same night or the following day I get hit with exhaustion and it can last a couple of days. I'd assume that I am so tensed up that when they leave I start to relax and the tiredness comes crashing in. Tiredness shouldn't be a problem but it gets me really agitated which in turn feeds the anxiety.

04-09-08, 22:35
Hi Nechtan ...i was going 2 say if you slept in the day then try not 2 but as you dont thats not an issue .

i canclled a friend coming today again as was just so anxious ,but did manage 2 go out with my mom 2night for a couple of hors Its hard constantly having ups and downs with anxiety ..but I know we will get through it m8 ...we have 2 .

well hope you have better sleep tonight

Take care

04-09-08, 23:05
Cheers Titch,

As you say we will get through it.

All the best
