View Full Version : Please help me

03-09-08, 19:28
I am, to put it lightly, completely and utterly s******g myself at the moment,

Iv felt 'odd' all day, i do quite often and can never put my finger on what it is, but got this funny feeling in my chest, sort of right sided chest pain and a bit breathless, feel as though i am going to panick any second.

Don't really feel that anxious but have got reasons to feel anxious at the moment, please help me im scared :scared15:

Cassi xx

03-09-08, 19:35
hiya cassie hun, please relax u prob r anxious and this is wot is causing this, if in doubt see the doc as he will put your mind at rest.

this is common with anxiety mate. hugs xxxx

milly jones
03-09-08, 19:40
hi hunny

sounds like ur anxious over something

sometimes we are not aware of what, as its deep in our mind

try and take courage in the fact that there are nmpers here to chat to

milly xxx