View Full Version : weird symptoms

03-09-08, 23:40
Hey everyone
I keep having weird symptoms in my leg behind my knee its like pinching and pricking sensation. my leg keeps twitching too, and it also aches everywhere anybody know wot this is? or anybody get this. i think it maybe frm my nerves being tense but iam resting my legs so wots up??

04-09-08, 00:48
I get twitching in my leg as well. I find this happens when I am tensing my muscles without noticing. Hope you are feeling better soon.

04-09-08, 14:19
i get this too sometimes. i also thought it was because of being tense.
i found that after i went to the chiropractor a few times ( i was seeing her for something else) this didnt happen anymore or at least as often. maybe you have some sort of pinched never that needs to be taken care of.
also muscle twitching and pain in your legs can be caused by dehydration
hope this helps =)