View Full Version : Woke up feeling horrable!!

04-09-08, 01:59
Wow it's nearly 2am, not wonderful as I have to be "up" in 3 hours or so.
Anyway it's madness, I woke up just now feeling horrable and wake up with numbess/pins and needles in my head/neck/arm & Shoulder.

It is horrable, plus I think there was a bit of a panic because now I can't go back to sleep, I read an article on strokes today (which I wish I hadn't) because now I feel as though something is wrong with me. I am possibly being a complete doe doe and slept funny. Just normally don't get P&N in my upper body when I sleep.

Anybody have any similar problems in the upper body. I am just a tiny bit freaked out and am battling to seperate anx and problems.

04-09-08, 02:17
Hi,this does sound like our friend anxiety popping in to say hello again.I am up at this ungodley hr because I always wake up feeling nervy,and then I have to get up and try and take my mind off it only trouble is I am so tired from sleep loss but my body is just so wound up.It does sound like you were scared about what you read in the article on strokes and it stayed in your mind when you went to bed so has gave you some unpleasant symptoms through your fear itself.You will have been tensing your upper body in your sleep without realising it and this is probably what caused the pins and needles,our mind is so much our enemy as well as our friend.
Do you work long hrs?you said you have to be up in 3 hrs,there is nothing worse is there than lack of the old shut eye.Try not to read anything or watch tv immediately before turning in as things can play on our minds without us even realising it,hope you feel ok now.

04-09-08, 07:39
Yep, I get pins/needles in arms/hands and "dead arm" often in the morning if I've had an anxious night. I think I clench my muscles in my sleep and this restricts in the blood supply to some bits, resulting in pins n needles when I wake up. When I have non-anxious nights it doesn't happen.

I had pins n needles in my face today, a first for me, which freaked me out, new symptoms are always worrying, but its gone now so I guess it was just good old anxiety (with a bit of sinusitis chucked in) :).

04-09-08, 08:26
It was very wierd, I went back to sleep for a couple of hours but woke again with the same problem pins and needles in my face and my upper body again. Freaks me out, I can talk properly, type, and hey I even walked to work there is nothing threatening right now and I popped into the NHS clinc in London and the nurse took my blood pressure it is all ok. She just said if it continues see my doc.

I am starting to think I might be pinching a nerve when I sleep in maybe a funny position. I do get P&N in my arms a lot when I sleep it is just a new thing with it being in my face.

Going to be a horrable long tireing day for me just want to sit down and cry. Thank you everybody for your replies

04-09-08, 08:34
I always wake up in the night with some kind of symptom (dead limbs, pins and needles in various locations, thudding/fluttering heart palpatations etc) The other week i woke up feeling desperatley ill at 3am. i felt sick as a dag, i was grey, my lips were blue, i was clap cold and clammy, i was shaking uncontrollably and my heart was going potty, ithought i was going to die so i went to A&E. My symptoms were all physical but they said it was my old buddy anxiety. Can you believe the things it does to you? i'm still not convinced!