View Full Version : Avoidant Personality Disorder

milly jones
04-09-08, 08:54
please could any nmpers who have a diagnosis of avoidant personality disorder contact me either by posting or private messaging

i need to talk to someone who has this about treatments and meds please


04-09-08, 09:00
Hi again Milly, i really want to help you but i don't know what it is!!
leave it with me and i'l speak to my cousin (she is a Psychiatric nurse) she might be able to explain it. Hold in there, i will get back to you mate XXX

04-09-08, 12:21
Milly Hun try this link


Pooh xxxxx

04-09-08, 12:52
Hi Milly ......there are some books on amazon regarding APD.....they might be of help 2 u xxx

Titch xxxxxx

04-09-08, 12:56
P.S just noticed they are expensive .:ohmy: .but perhaps you could request them from the library if they are 2 expensive for u 2 buy xxx

Titch xxxxxxxxxx:D

Hope 2
04-09-08, 14:42
Hey Milly

Bet this feels like a smack in the gob eh xx

Just when u think u know where yr 'at'........

Good for you though, gettin on with it :yesyes: .

I aint got much of a clue either about APD, but I sure as hell will do me best to help you in any small way I can. Please gimme a shout anytime. Even if it's just for a moan lol.

Nice one Pooh, for finding that link, hope it helps Milly xx

We can all help u together mate.........it's yr motto innit remember.....NMP family :D xx
Love Julia xx

Just had a quick nose b4 school run (grrr), loads of info blimey eck, pmsl at the penguin..........

milly jones
04-09-08, 16:47
aw u guys are awsome ty

pinkpiglet ty i look forward to a prof viewpoint xx

pooh ty for the link, much appreciated xx

titch yes id looked at one but its nearly £40, will ask at hosp if they have any on prescription, ty

and hope, yes we are all a family helping each other ty so much for ur love

well got my new meds today, yippee

moved to cipralex and also got zyprexa lol

not going to swop till weekend tho cos want bit of settled meds first and then change when ive had the 'pleasure' of the weekend cos driving and alcohol have to go, as well as cakes and choc cos diabetes risks

oh the joy of anx

mills xxxx

milly jones
04-09-08, 17:23
pooh, been on site, thats me hunny,and theres others like me, ty

liked the penguin lol

theres a chat room too, yipee

thank you so much xx

04-09-08, 17:53
hugs milly cant help u with this but im here for u. xxxx

milly jones
04-09-08, 18:02
cheers donna hunny xxx hugs xxx

Hope 2
04-09-08, 22:00

I really admire your spirit, you should be proud, we are.

I will eat choc and sup wine on yr behalf ok (sorry)..........it's a right bummer is that xx

Bet u wondered wtf I was on about with the penguin pmsl.

U take it easy on yrself,ur a star today with all this head thrash :hugs:

Love Jules xx

milly jones
04-09-08, 22:06
ive spent a pleasnat evening with 2 windows on my puter, nmp forum on one and avpd chatroom on other

spent ages talking to a rather nice young man from india about our woes lol

told him bout nmp but he doesnt get anx

its no way as good as nmp but its good to talk to ppl who have the same difficulties and not feel embarased asking daft questions

mill xxxxxx

ps hope, im not starting meds til sunday so i can binge this weekend lol

pass them over to u next week lol

05-09-08, 20:22
Hi Milly, i have'nt had chance to speak to my cousin (the psychiatric nurse) yet but my mates sis has this APD. My mate thinks that it's just another 'label'. I think that in a way she is right! Apparantly, it's to do with feeling inferior and unworthy. Is'nt this how we all feel when we're suffering with anxiety and depression. Have you tried Cognitive behaviour therapy? (you probably have) I think that this could be good because it's all about how we can change negative thoughts into positive and thinking differently. I have just bought a book from amazon 'cognitive behaviour therapy for dummies' which i am going to start reading after the weekend.

You always sound so lovely in your posts and always seem to really want to help us all. Here's a big squeeze to make you feel squidgy :bighug1:

milly jones
05-09-08, 20:33
ty hun,

i spoke to my psychologist about it

the diagnosis criteria fit me exactly

i have googled also and all the info is the same

poohs help site is good

ive been like this for some time and ive had loads of therapy but they are only finally finding out

its the psychosis that worries me more atm

thanks hunny

mill xxxx

05-09-08, 20:59
Hi Milly
Thank you so much for that info via pm. I tried twice to reply but after typing lengthy replies, it wouldn't send and said page cant be displayed! grrrrr but its been an eye opener reading that stuff you sent. And certainly gave me food for thought! Quite a few of the points mentioned made sense.
And after reading this thread it seems you like to help people too. I post on an agony aunt web site because i love to help people out. Its much easier on line isn't it.
Thanks again xxxxxx

milly jones
05-09-08, 21:05
hey np thats what nmp is about

i can now talk to folk face to face after nmp has helped me, if someone safe is with me watching what i say

i find typing so much easier as u can read back and edit, something u cant do with speech, so its safer

ty for ur pms too

mill xx

05-09-08, 21:58
Mills, i'll have a little search too, between us lot we'll have so much information for you we'll be able to write a book LOL..... hang on in there i'll get back to you - hey it gives me something to do!!!

Love ya babe
C x x x

milly jones
05-09-08, 22:01
ty pops

what would i do without u?

hugs xxx

06-09-08, 14:28
u will be all fixed in no time matey at this rate haha, hope u feeling ok today hugs to u xxxx

milly jones
06-09-08, 20:21
just had a lovely peaceful day at my friends and am sitting with my chinese, wine and chocolate before i start meds tomorrow

its like the last supper lol

thanks again to all my friends here at nmp

had a good chat about the future today and im going to try and stay milly as much as i can

mill xxxx

06-09-08, 20:51
great milly and chocs and wine sound very nice. glad u had a lovely day hun xx