View Full Version : Please help me feel 'normal'

04-09-08, 11:35
Hi Everyone,

This is my first post, and what a post it will be lol.

2 weeks ago I was falling asleep in the early hours of the morning (after putting my son back to bed!) and felt this massive wave of nausea come over me, followed by a pins and needles/numbness feeling. This would have lasted about 20 seconds, then I felt dizzy and had the shakes for ages. I also felt like I was about to get a phonecall or something advising me of bad news.

I went to hospital the next day as I still wasn't feeling great. TIA was mentioned but was told this was highly unlikely. I had a CT scan and an ECG which came back normal. I also had blood tests done, which showed my blood sugars were a little raised. I was also referred to a Neurologist.

I saw the Neuro on Monday just gone and he mentioned something about partial seizures and sent me for a MRI scan and an EEG. I had both of these tests on Tuesday night (is now Thursday night here in Aus) and haven't heard back from them so I am assuming they haven't found anything serious.

I have had 2 or 3 more of these 'episodes' in the 2 weeks. I also had an attack last weekend where I couldn't breathe properly for about 10 mins which I am convinced was a panic attack.

I have also had a range of other symptoms basically on a permanent basis since the first episode, including dizzyness, pins/needles, headache, a little blurry vision on an occasion, aching arms and some muscle twitching. I never seem to have two of these symptoms at the same time though.

Can all of this just be panic/anxiety? Has anyone ever experienced what I have to find they are 'just' panic attacks?

I understand that no one is a Dr, but I can't shake the fear that I have something deathly wrong with me and I will leave my two small children motherless.

I had myself convinced yesterday it was 'just' anxiety but then I was talking to my Mother in Law yesterday when she visited and had that funny 'numbness' feeling come over me again.

Please, somebody help me!


PS I am an 'anxious' type person, but have never had a panic attack to my knowledge previously.

04-09-08, 11:53
after the birth of my son, I suffered a similar kind of thing and it took me a while to convince myself it was just Anx. I think if you have had the tests and it shows up all clear then I think you have to entertain the idea it might just me anx.

I know if I am anx I get pin n needles in my face and a pressure in my head. Sometimes it is hard to find our what is what.

I really hope you feel better soon!

Take care,

04-09-08, 12:05
Did your doctor offer any theories as to what it might be, as your tests all came back clear? You should take comfort from the fact that tests all showed as normal.

Symptoms of the type that you are having can be scary and have clearly distressed and worried you. Whatever their cause, your anxiety is almost certainly making you feel worse. If your doctor hasn't suggested a diagnosis yet (did he/she mention anxiety?), I would perhaps go back and see him/her to talk it through to put your mind at ease. Certainly anxiety could cause the symptoms you describe. Good luck and hugs :hugs:

04-09-08, 12:25
Hello Sam

Exactly the same thing happened to me when I had my first panic attack. I went to bed one night feeling fine and sleepy - then I started to go all tingly, hot and cold, couldn't breathe (or so it felt like), and shaking uncontrollably. Off to docs in morning - all tests normal but it was so real and frightening that I found it really difficult to believe it was just anx.

Like you I was terrified of leaving my 3 children motherless and that is exactly what anx feeds on - fear! And I think anx catches you sometimes at a low point and you may not even realise it. I'd had a really disastrous year with lots going on and I think my poor body and mind had just had enough.

chat with your doc and be kind to yourself. Hope this helps

Janie x

07-09-08, 12:03
Thank you all for your replies.

I have another appt tomorrow with a neuro to get the last few results from tests I had last week.
