View Full Version : on edge today and panicky

04-09-08, 11:56
Hey i am feeling panicky today, i am worrying as i know i am over weight and my family keep telling me to loose weigh and saying things to scare me...i hate it now i cant stop thinking about it worrying something will happen.... also i went to docs a while ago and they checked my heart and did a monitor on it and sed its fine. also worried because i drank last night and is why i am feeling anxious. i drink most evenings to chill . i know it doesnt help at all.
Anyway i know i have been eating better recently but now my main worry is about my heart or somthing might happen. i hate this wanna be worry free.

04-09-08, 12:18
If you've had your heart checked and it's fine, then it's fine, whether you are overweight or not. Heart problems associated with weight usually take a long time to develop so if your heart is OK now then it's likely that it will be OK for a while to come.

And it sounds like you're heading in the right direction to keeping your heart healthy with your diet. I find exercise really helps with my anxiety - I was ill recently and hadn't been able to exercise for weeks. Now that I'm a bit better I went to a dance class this week and generally feel calmer already (just occasional wobbles!). Is there some form of exercise that you enjoy that you could get into, in a gentle way at first? That might help with your weight and your anxiety too.

Your family probably mean well in what they say about your weight - they want you to be healthy - but perhaps they don't realise that scaring you isn't the best way to help. Maybe you could talk to them about this?

04-09-08, 12:22
thats a nice reply thanks.
i worry something will suddenly just happen to me though... not to do with the heart...just in general with my body. worry coz i drank and just wish i had this web site at home so i could speak to you all... i have to take trips to the libary to come on here lol.

oh yea i do walking a lot.

04-09-08, 12:23
Hi m8 ......soz u feeling anxious 2 day ...I am aswell .......If you had a heart check and it was ok try not 2 worry .....if u still feel worried in few days then go and have another 1 done .

U know I drink and some days I can feel ok after drinking but others like 2 day .i feel so ill......I could also do with loosing w8 but being agoraphobic its hard .....what do u drink ..is it wine ?if so what percent in alcohol and how much xx

I was told 1st step 2 cut down on alcohol percentage as wine has 12% lager has 4% sonI can still have a drink but with less actual alcohol ......xx

04-09-08, 12:27
whats agoraphobic dohh sorry!
drink a bottle normally 12%
i dont drink in the day what about u x

04-09-08, 12:32
Agoraphobia ..is difficulty leaving the house due 2 anxiety ..I get anxious having 2 go anywhere away from home x

I drink wine same as you .........no never drink in the day only at night ........not that drinkin at night makes it any better ..Im still drinkin wether its day or night xxxx


04-09-08, 15:13
you really should stop drinking as its easy to become dependant on drink, my mum has anxiety and she stopped drinking and she feels alot better now