View Full Version : rituals!

04-09-08, 12:10
coz im really anxious today im even findiing it hard to type... if i get a bad thought as im typing i have to delete and retype again over again. does anyone else have this?

milly jones
04-09-08, 12:13
hunny i used to use a dictionary before posting

i am now relaxed enough to allow spelling errors, typos etc

nmp is safe

know its not quite the same i know but we are all here


milly xxx

04-09-08, 12:18
how come u used a dictionary. i have to type and retype to make the bad thoughts go away.
theres so many rituals i have to do the list is endless.
does anyone else have rituals they like to share? x:weep: xx

04-09-08, 12:29
Hi m8 what sort of rituals do u have .....Have u read the help regarding OCD ?

what bad thoughts do u have 2 get rid of ?

04-09-08, 12:32
thoughts that i will turn into someone else, i will get ill, they are the main ones. rituals can be , in and doors, avoiding certain things in case a bad thought comes true, repeating words, not using certain words if they FEEL bad at the time, looking backwards, hand movements. what about u? i have OCD u see so thats y

04-09-08, 13:58
Oh honey I have more rituals than a wedding. There are too many to name but go to the OCD section and it might be able to help you. Let me know if you need any help and I will try to help, I have had OCD for tons of years and have learned to live quite well. Take care.

04-09-08, 15:10
ya i get anxious all day alot often for no reason!

milly jones
04-09-08, 16:38
i had to use a dictionary so i made no mistakes

if i made a mistake ppl would think i was a bad person

id check and check what id written before i posted in case id upset someone

punctuation and grammar had to be right too

i just would worry if id sent anything wrong

so if i checked each word, each comma and full stop, each semantic then once i was satisfied id send

sometimes it would take hours to answer threads

now thank fully i just write freely, well almost, lol

now got to learn to be able use same techniques with speech, and not be scared to say something wrong

good luck

mill xx