View Full Version : Memory problems realted to panic?

04-09-08, 13:08
Hi iam a new member here
I have a problem with my memory
i think it has somthing to do with drugs
I started smoking weed when i was 14, im 16 now
2 months ago i went to amsterdam, weed heaven , and the first night got so out off my mind i think i put myself into a phycosis
I freaked out and thought i was having a heart attack and what made it worse was that i have had a heart attack at the start of the year from overdosing on Speed and E
my freinds were both asleep from the plane journey but i stayed up watching tv and smoking
then it hit me like a ton of bricks i had no idea what was going on , my heart started racing and i began to hyper vetalate (sp)
I woke up my friend and asked him to come with me to walk the streets and calm down , it did not work
We came back and i was even worse , i had no idea what was wrong with me, but i knew i had smoked way to much
i eventually fell asleep as i had been up for almost 24 hours , i woke up to find myself gagging and wanting to puke, so i did , and went back to sleep
i woke up again the next day feeling better , but i could feel all was not right my mind wasnt the same
eventually after i returned from amsterdam things got better and i returned to normal
Then one night a few weeks ago i smoked more than i would on ave. and the same thing began to happen, not as aggresive but it began to happen none the less, i didnt panic as much because i knew everything was ok i was just frekaing out because i smoked to much
But i new thing happend, my memory (short term) was almost blank
if i walked down my house to get somthing , and return to my room i would almost have no visual memory of anything in my house , i only knew the fact that i had left the room and returnd
Eventually after weeks of this , i returned to normal again
Then again like a fool i smoked to much again and the same thing is happning now
What is this?
Can anxeity have an effect on your memory?
As each time this has happend i paniced alott

04-09-08, 13:27
My friend used to smoke weed a lot and the same memory loss thingy happened to him. I would suggest giving them up, as when he did his memory problems stopped. Plus long term use of weed can lead to increased chance of developing mental problems later on. Lay off the drugs and Im sure you'll feel tonnes better. x

04-09-08, 21:43
Hey Ventul - anxiety probably can have an effect on your memory if you become very distressed. However it's infinitely more likely to be the weed that is messing with your memory rather than anxiety. DizzyDi is right - if smoking is having this kind of effect on you, it's probably best to knock it on the head. Different people react differently to drugs and it sounds like it just doesn't suit you.

milly jones
04-09-08, 21:50
ive never used recreational drugs but do find my memory is affected by anx

sounds like its good advice to stop hun

milly xx

04-09-08, 22:31
Hi ven

as a former heavy hashsish smoker I think what you are talking about are the effects of the drug. I know you have felt anxious but that is in my opinion not the reason you are experiencing what you are.
No wonder in Amsterdam you flipped do you know how much stronger the stuff is over there? Do you smoke knowing full well all of the things that can arise from participating in this drug?
let me tell you about my experiences of the drug.... one you smoke it for a prolonged period you will stunt your emotional and social development. Ive seen this happen time and time again. From your thread you are also clearly the typ of personality that the drug will bring any underlying mental health issues to the surface. I would suggest you stop completely or at least if you carry on please do so informed and with your eyes wide open. There are almost two years of my teen life I can't remember from 'smoking'. How do you want the rest of your life to work out? Anyone who says its less harmless than smoking not as bad as alcohol are ignorant. Any drug, legal or illegal, is gonna have an effect. So research gain knowledge and you decide if using it is worth the risk to you presonally

Pooh xx

05-09-08, 10:20
Yes im definitly going to stop now
But whats scaring me is the thought that this might be permanent , Is it?

05-09-08, 12:16
Hi hunny, :D:hugs:

You have had great advice allready.

Our minds have certain ways of warning us where doing something wrong, if we do not heed that warning, we may get worse, so hun, please, listen to what your mind is telling you STOP, the drugs please. :hugs:

YOU CAN, stop this NOW, in its tracks, sometimes it takes a little time for your mind and body to go back to normal.

Please, please hun, DON'T be scared (ohh I know thats hard) but fearing this will only fuel the anxiety, anxiety lives on our fear, use positive self thought, make a goal to not use drugs, keep telling yourself, it WILL get better, IT WILL.

As it has been said, I feel its the drugs doing this to you, ohh boy, it messes about with our emotions and other things too. You need to find other ways of having a good time, not using stimulants, this helps our minds rest and we use our minds in the proper way.

NO,hun, its not permanent, please, keep telling yourself this, find positive pathways forward and in time, you will be fine.

Allso hun, please DON'T beat yourself up about using drugs, we all make mistakes, its what we learn from the mistake, thats whats important, be kind to yourself, its a must.



05-09-08, 12:42
Thank you all for your wonderfull and very helpfull replys
You have all made me feel alot better
The thing is, when i feel happy, or postive about it I.E, oh this will all go away and it will teach me not to do drugs again , i can feel it kind of going..not going totally but not being as intense
and when i feel negative about it .IE thinking its never going to stop..thinking im going to be like this for ever and letting the fear take over, it goes into ovetime and gets so intense i want to cry
I think all i need to do is stay postive but that will be hard lol
Thank you again for all your replies :hugs:

05-09-08, 13:03
Hi hun, :D:hugs:

Ohh well done in noticing that if you are negtative, the fear and thoughts over take you AND noticing that if you stay positive you feel better for doing so. WELL DONE.

It seems hun, that you have anxiety over this problem, please, please, hun, work DAME HARD on those thought pattens. When are anxiety levels go high, our thoughts become negative, when in this mode, are rational thinking goes out the window, BUT, you must try dame hard when in this mode, to push the positive self thoughts in. This take alot of hard work and time, but, as you keep pushing them in, it gets easyer.

It is normal for your fears to get intense and you feel like crying, ohh boy, its not a nice thought, if you feel like crying then CRY, crying sets of calming hormones which helps us.

YOU WILL not be like this forever, I know its dame hard but when this feeling comes on, try dame hard to use reasuring words, when in this mode, they can be hard to find, try writing some down, this help us move on a little.

Please hun, keep getting on with your life, DON'T let these thoughts stop you from doing what you have allways done.

***I think all i need to do is stay postive but that will be hard lol ***

You are on the right track hun, you even know and understand that is may be hard, please, be kind to yourself. This will pass.