View Full Version : Advice please on Nausia?

04-09-08, 14:17

There appears to be several threads on this forum regarding NAUSIA, which I have read through 90% of them and my symptoms do appear very similar.

Of late, this has been my problem, feeling nausea throughout the day (from when I wake until I go bed) and more often than normal, needing to burp several times.

I have seen my doctor twice regarding this symptom, which he has checked around my stomach and suggested these acid tablets and to higher my medication by 10mg, because he suggests it is being caused by anxiety.

Obviously being an anxiety sufferer, as soon as I left the doctors surgery, I started asking myself questions like “how can the doctor be sure, he can not see into my stomach” or “why did he not suggest a blood test” or “is it an ulcer as I have them in my mouth at the moment” and “is it safe to ignore it”?

On the positive side of things, it did disappear for 4 days but returned last Sunday and I have not actually been sick. I’m eating ok but obviously the worry is making me have no apatite at times.

The reason I’m on this forum, I would like to ask for advice, if possible?
Do I accept what the doctor has said and ignore it (easier said that done) or do I go back for the third time?


04-09-08, 19:18
Over the last two months at various times I've had bouts of sickness that have lasted a couple of days. Every time I've thought it was a virus or some sort- its so hard to tell. Now though I am realising its actually tiredness and when I get like that my appetite goes.

I don't know if yours is the same but if you are very tired at these times it could be just that. Also anxiety on its own can bring about nausea.

When the nausea went away can you see anything that might have caused that or triggered its return? I keep a notepad which I write in each day and its amazing sometimes looking back through it how you can start to see patterns as well as cause and effect you wouldn't normally see. It might be that something in your lifestyle is triggering it- something as simple as a sleepless night and missing your main meal.

All the best


05-09-08, 21:34
Im not sure as ive never suffered from this particular symptom. But are you the same redevil that used to have problems with his throat? I was on here about a year or so ago, and had similar symptoms at the time.

05-09-08, 22:04
The main symptom I get from my anxiety is nausea, I've got so used to it over the years I never question whether it may be anything else. I find taking Motillium 10 helps, it's for nausea, indigestion etc and you can get it from the chemist. You mention you're on anxiety meds - could these be causing your nausea?
Nettles x

05-09-08, 22:22
The only nausea i get is when i first wake up if im going through a particular stressful period. Possibly like morning sickness, i say possibly because i never suffered from it when pregnant! but have had that on and off for years. I do find once i have made myself eat something i feel better and im ok til the next morning xxxx

05-09-08, 22:42
Yes, both hunger and thirst can make you feel nauseous. I used to avoid eating because of my emetophobia until I realized the hunger was actually making me feel sick. I now find eating little and often is the most important thing in keeping my anxiety at bay, I think I'm sensitive to blood sugar levels, a quick-fix banana has saved me many times!

06-09-08, 10:58
Hi all,

Yesterday afternoon, it eased and I turned happy, thinking it was over but then I wake up this morning and it is all back. It is very worring, as I have been coping so well over anxiety and my body etc.

I have been on the meds for over a year and usually, when I high the dose, it helps with the symtoms, but for some reason, it is not helping me with this sickness feeling.

Deep down I'm sure it is anxiety but one half of the brain, asks "is it serious".
