View Full Version : blood clot

04-09-08, 15:02
Hello everyone
this HA is getting worse everytime i have a pain or ache i panic. my left leg aches and wen i knell on my knee it hurts -like a pulling pain. it also pinches in the inner part of my leg,and it looks slightly swollen or is it me i culdnt get an appoitment @ dr's so im worried is it a blood clot ????or wud i know if it was one of those i need to know or ill go crazy. plz help.

04-09-08, 16:40
hello my love, you would so know if you have a blood clot, it swells up really big, goes bright red and really hurts and you would not be able to walk on it! i have this fear all the time i ave even got the tape measure out to measure each leg to see if one was different so you are not alone xxxx

07-09-08, 21:44
you really would know if you had one , as above has said it really does swell, my dad has had one in his lung ( 35 yrs ago )and also in his leg (1 yr ago ), the leg would be purple in colour and would be about the size of your thigh or bigger all over, and would throb as though it was being, strangled and be extremely painfull,and it doesnt just affect the colour of your leg , you whole body would be extremely white,apart from the leg , i hope this helps as ive seen it at the hospital, with my dad.:hugs: