View Full Version : Hello Everyone

04-09-08, 17:23
Hello everyone, I would like to introduce myself to the site and the people here. Firstly my name is Elaine. I have obsessive compulsive disorder which shows itself in the following way. I feel the need to check things, if I do not feel satisfied with the way I have done it the first time then I wil continue to check until it feels just right to me. Worrying if I have said/thought or done things in the right way. Doubting about whether I have done things. Health anxiety. Fear that if I do not do things in a certain way that something bad could happen. I do not know what triggered off these things, it could be one of many different things. At present I am taking Diazepam tranquillisers for my anxiety but I now know that I have been on this medication for such a long time now that actual tolerance has set in, where my body is actually producing the anxious symptoms that the tablets were given to me for in the first place. My body is telling me it wants a higher dose of the drug but I know if I give in then it wont be long before my body cries out for more and more. I am at present on a withdrawal plan to get me off diazepam and I have been told it will be a very slow process but I am willing to do it with the help of the people around me. The anxiety symptoms I suffer from are many. I am glad I have found this site and I really look forward to meeting people here who are going through similar experiences as myself. Once again thankyou for reading my introduction and I want to say a big hello and to say God Bless you all.

milly jones
04-09-08, 17:41
a really warm welcome to the nmp family hunny

milly xxx :hugs:

04-09-08, 17:45
Thankyou so much Milly, that is lovely of you. :)

04-09-08, 17:47
Hi Elaine

Welcome to the site I am sure you will get some good advice and support on here.

Take care


04-09-08, 17:53
Hello Lorac. Thankyou for your lovely welcome, I am looking forward to using this site, it looks really good. God Bless.

04-09-08, 19:04
Hi Elaine,

Welcome to the site.

You will find such friendly, genuine caring support here, which I am sure will make a huge difference to the way you feel.

04-09-08, 19:12
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

04-09-08, 19:44
Hello Rosie. Hello Pooh. Thankyou for replying to my post and thankyou for your warm welcome. God Bless.

04-09-08, 22:11
Hi Elaine


Have a good read of the pages on the left for loads of support and advice.

Hope it is of some help.

05-09-08, 10:20
Hello Nicola and thanks for telling me about the information to look at. Just would also like to say a big well done for such a well presented and informative site. Thankyou everyone. God Bless.

05-09-08, 11:47
Hello Elaine,
Im new too. This site is great, in a way it makes me sad to see so many sufferers, would never wish this on anyone to go through what I do. But I know in time, we will all get through it slowly but surely.x

05-09-08, 14:46
Hello AngelDelight. What a great name. Thanks for replying to me and its lovely to chat to you. This is a great site and at least it lets us all know that we dont walk this lonely road on our own. Hope to hear from you again. Take care and God Bless.

05-09-08, 16:17
Hi Elaine,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get support. I also suffer with OCD but it is with cleaning my house. I always cleaned my house to work out my anxiety issues. Glad you found us.

Take care,


05-09-08, 17:01
Thankyou Laura for your kind reply. The people here are so nice and friendly and its good to find a site where people can chat to each other who understand what they mean. Blessings to you Laura. God Bless.

06-09-08, 01:57
Hello Elaine And Welcome To The Site, I Iwsh Ya Well, Linda

06-09-08, 13:50
Thankyou LindaLou for your kind welcome. It is really thoughtful of you. Everyone has been so warm and friendly. What a Godsend this site is for everyone and myself. May God Bless each and everyone of you and bless you with peace of mind. God Bless.