View Full Version : Advise please

04-09-08, 17:41
I have a Dr's appointment next wednesday and as i am fed up with the way i am feeling again. It has been about 4 years since i was on prozac it did help a little i also saw a councilor. But i dont think prozac is for me and i also worried that the Dr night just think i am wanting them for no reason at all (i worry about everything from health being the worse down to crossing a road.) But this anxiety is ruling my life so i need to get it sorted. Am i doing the right thing or do you think i should just wait and see if it will go again?

p.s I cant sleep and my temper is so firery i scare my self!! is any one else short fused with this anxiety?:unsure:


04-09-08, 18:05
Blimey yes. My depression & anxiety makes me extremely irritable and short-tempered. When I feel the rage building, I take a valium, go lay down in a cool dark room, and do a bit of meditation for 20 mins. It helps.

My sleep patterns are also all over the place. I just go with the flow, take a valium & read a book or watch telly, until I feel tired.

04-09-08, 18:21
Thanks for this i dont know how my Boyfriend puts up with me. :)

04-09-08, 20:32
i am very fiery ask my hubby he will tell you ,im ok one minute and shouting at him the next , but it passes as quickly as it came its all part of anxiety unfort take carex