View Full Version : Panic and crazy thoughts so bad today

04-09-08, 17:52
Hi Everyone, today has been awful with panics and awful thoughts of i am possessed all the time coming into my mind. I've had surgery so can't move about well which makes it worse. I was improving but due to pain had to take morphine for 5 weeks the anxiety returned bad when it was stopped 9 days ago. My huge fear is that even if the anxiety and panic goes i will still be thinking these terrifying thoughts all the time,what makes us believe them as i think if i believe them now then i will even when theres no anxiety, i don't know if i'm exlaining this well, any help would be appreciated, best wishes, Carol

04-09-08, 17:58
the crazy thoughts will go witht he anxiety huntry not to worry about them and they will go away eventually... take care xx:)

pop into chat some time hun it heps xxx

milly jones
04-09-08, 18:01
aww petal hugs

anx causes such awful thoughts, but remember they are thoughts not reality

hope u feel better soon

mill xx

04-09-08, 18:24

When anxiety is high you can get intrusive horrible thoughts - any good book on anxiety will mentions them. I had a terrible one when I was coming off seroxat like i was going to push my foot down on the accellerator in the car. These thoughts mean nothing. The thoughts scare you so badly and you think you must be going nuts but it's defo anxiety. Please please don't think those thoughts will be with you whenyou feel better cos I can assure you they won't. xx


Veronica H
04-09-08, 22:22
Hi Carol
Anxiety alone is enough to cause these thoughts but my brother in law was given morphine after his operation and it left him feeling strange and depressed for a good week afterwards. Sorry if this is not what you need to hear when you are feeling so low, but I think it is best to know this as it should take some of the fear away. Hang in there Carol, it will pass.

04-09-08, 23:24
Hope you feel better soon. I know its hard as I suffer those horrible thoughts to, I try and switch from what Im thinking. I put on music or a dvd that makes me laugh. It does make me forget those thoughts for a while but I also think talking about it helps to.Hugs

04-09-08, 23:35
Hi Carol :D :hugs:

I am sorry to hear your struggling with these horrific thoughts hun :hugs:

As I have said to you before Carol, when we are acute with anxiety, its DAME hard rationalizing things when in this mode, are thoughts are sooo negative.

I feel that Veronica, may have picked on a good point. I don't know much about morphine, but what I do know is, when coming off this drug it can cause some side effects for awhile, these side effects may be triggering higher levels of anxiety, you suffer anxiety anyway, but coming off this med is making it worse, if this is the case, then over the next week or so, this will pass.

I know my friends hubby is on morphine, for pain (will not go into that) he was on it alot longer than you and on a high dose, he has to be weened of it, I know he has been having side effects but not sure what, he is still struggling when they drop his dose. He does not suffer panic, anxiety, but finds in dame hard and scary, when they drop the dose.

****My huge fear is that even if the anxiety and panic goes i will still be thinking these terrifying thoughts all the time,what makes us believe them as i think if i believe them now then i will even when theres no anxiety, i don't know if i'm exlaining this well***

As always Carol, you have explaned it very well. I know its dame hard for you to understand right now because Mrs anxiety is sitting with you all the time, she is playing with you, she NEEDS your fears to survive, without this fear, she would be GONE. SO, when panic, high anxiety goes, SO DOSE THIS FEAR of this thought.

Hunny, you are believing them now because Mrs anxiety is talking, you know when in this mode, it is DAME hard to rationalize these types of thoughts, are coping skills to reasure ourselves go out of the window in this mode. WE CAN, get this copping skill back, BUT, we have to work DAME hard on our thought pattens, help ourselves understand, that IT IS anxiety, panic, ohhh but I know this is dame hard, as I have said to you before, work on those thought pattens.

Hunny, lets look at the facts

**I was improving but due to pain had to take morphine for 5 weeks the anxiety returned bad when it was stopped 9 days ago.**

" I was improving " this is great hun, this suggest to me, that its all anxiety related.

BUT, you must have been in soooo much pain hun, for them to give you morphine, this would cause stress, hormome inbalance, ohhh messes with you mind anyway.

You had something wrong which needed an op, ohh boy, this can send stress levels even higher.

The wait for the op, even more stress.

Coming off morphine, side effects, ohh boy, not nice at all.

All that build up of stress, coming off the meds, in pain, CAN lead to panic, high levels of anxiety.

Becasue of the type of op you had there is allso a possibilaty that your hormones where all over the place.

I know you feel in a dark place right now and alone with your thoughts hun, BUT YOUR NOT, as you can see, you have great replies hun, we are all hear to help and support you through this, ( NOTE THE WORD THROUGH) you are going through this and I promise, YOU WILL come out the other side, this thought WILL GO when your anxiety levels drop, you reasuring copping skill WILL jump back in, but PLEASE, try dame hard to work on those thought pattens.

PLEASE, hun, don't be to hard on yourself, you have had a bad few monthes the run up to this op, please be kind to yourself. Hang in there, this WILL PASS.