View Full Version : just want to give up

04-09-08, 18:05
Today is sooooooooooo annoying i just cant stand this anymore, my stomach is still like raw and uncomfortable and it almost makes me want to vomit but i cant i just want to know how long this is going to last because its driving me insane you would think it would go away by now i am so upset it feels like something really bad is going to happen in there or something becuase obvioulsy it doenst want to leave me alone:weep:

04-09-08, 18:09
Even if you can't eat, it's important to not get dehydrated. Sip a couple of glasses of water or still (non-fizzy) lucozade throughout the day.

Try to sip some warm clear soup or broth.

04-09-08, 18:13
Loads of us seem to get sensations in the stomach. You say it feels raw - is a gutted feeling or is a lump in the stomach? Whatever - its horrible I know. The feeling that something bad is going to happen is the anx and yes it is awful. I use that expression a lot "it doesn't want to leave me alone" - but it's because you are focusing on the feelings. I'm on here replying to posts to distract myself from the heaviness in my stomach. I do know how you feel and it is awful.

Can you distract in any way? Have you got anything you can take to calm you down a bit. I so know how you feel and you do feel like giving up but you mustn't. xxx


04-09-08, 18:18
well no i dont take anti anxiety meds, the only thing i have right now is the stomach problem or shall i say abdomen problem its just annoying me because this is day 3 i just wnat to lay in bed till its gone but i cant becuase i have to take care of my son its so stressful i cnat wait to go to therapy tomorrow. but i know once this is gone something else is going to take its place which annoys me even more AAAAAAHHHHH i just am so sick of this its so annoying i want ONE DAY OF BEING NORMAL

Captain America
04-09-08, 18:27
same thing for me today. the stomach started yesterday..today it fluttered almost spasm-like and made this weird squeaking like noise. bizarre. yeah i feel like giving up as well. can't of course. maybe that's the key though. maybe if i really did give up and stopped trying to feel better i'd actually start to feel better!?
so yeah can't help today because i'm miserable. i'll rant with you though.

04-09-08, 18:49
how do you stop yourself from thinking its something serious, like in my mind im like thinking my appendix exploded even though i had none of the symptoms no fever no naseau only constipation but like thats all i keep thinking and its so annoying i already went ot he doctor the day it started and he told me it was a bowel problem or to do with my anxiety becuase we couldnt feel anything it only hurt when he pushed on my left side soooooooo annoyed right now, do any of you have ways to get rid of it or stop thinking horrible things