View Full Version : Side and back pain

04-09-08, 18:49
Hi everyone

Getting myself a bit scared at the moment, since last Thursday, i have been experiencing pain below my rib cage in my back and front and on both sides below the rib cage, it mainly at the front feels sore and then when the back starts hurting it becomes of a ache, the pain isnt there all the time and it sometimes feels like its actually in my ribs, i havnt done anything to pull any muscles, but im getting a bit scared now as the doc thought i might hvae a uti and i have practically finished my antibiotics and im still getting the pains, im going back to dcos tommorow but am so scared about what they are going to say.

I have also still got the feeling of everytime i swallow normally (not food or drink) that as it goes down i can feel lumps all the way till it reaches my stomach and then a lump as it goes into my stomach, im scared!

Any advice or anyone experiencing the same symptoms???

04-09-08, 20:09
maybe its just normal back pain? i get alot of back pain my self. i had a UTI, but still getting pelvic pain so i got to go for a scan. let us know how the doctor goes. i'm sure it's nothing bad x try not to worrry, it could just be stress or you strained your back.

04-09-08, 22:35
I'm getting almost identical symptoms to you thsi past week with pain around bottom of my ribs to front and ribs very tender to touch in places. I on;ly get the pain when I move so it has to be muscle/skeletal problem - I have damamged spine. I have just had bucket full of blood tests to rule out anything else like liver etc and all normal. My urine was dip tested and nothing showed up in that either and I have no symptoms of urine infection at all.

So maybe you have been very tense and its the muscles in pain or you have done somehting that didn't hurt at the time but gets you a few days later which is what I think I did as I did something that put huge strain on my back/rib area but at time it didn't hurt but this started 24 hrs later.

Let us know how you get on as I would be interested to know!

05-09-08, 10:16

Been docs this morning, he thinks its a gastris stomach virus thingy and has upped my acid tablets to 40mg, had a good check over and he doesnt think that its anything bad.

Personally im still in quite a large amount of pain, and think that it must be something else rather than a virus, i dont think cancer but i never say never, but it seems to be more on the right side and im worrying about my gall blader, i wish i had pushed to have a scan done!!!

Anyway though i would update