View Full Version : convinced ive got a brain tumour

04-09-08, 19:49
hey there,
im new and thought i wud share my fears incase any of you feel the same know your not alone and just to know im not alone really..
for about 5 yrs, since i had my son, i have been convinced i have a brain tumour, to this day if i have a headache or a symptom i get anxious n am poorly for days coz i work myself up so much..
when im feeling rational i know its silly but thats not very often, its not just a tumour either, i go on diagnosis sites on line and if they mention an illness i am convinced i have it from diabetes to cancer.. it may sound stupid and i know there are people who have to live with "real" diseases and have the illnesses i worry i have but it doesnt help my fears i just want to feel better and be "normal"..
feel free to add to this or ask any questions, it just feels better to write it in the hope of advice or success stories or just to let others who are like minded know they are not alone..

04-09-08, 20:00
I have also been through this i so to convinvec i had a brain tumour but it turned out to be migraines. I now fear that i have cancer or something serious i wind my self up loads about it and end up feeling ill. When i feel any twinge ache or something unusual i am staight on the internet and they all point to cancer aids and other serious illnesses. have you had any help?

04-09-08, 20:15
hi george, thankyou for your reply,
i wouldnt say its good 2 hear im not alone as i wouldnt wish this on anyone but to know that you had the same irrational fear about a tumour and u found out it wasnt is a good sign that we r jus nutters :-)
i think u having these other fears about cancer etc are jus because u had ur mind at ease with the tumour as you were diagnosed properly and found something else to worry about instead, its kind of like a self punishment i always think dont know wht were punishin ourselves for tho...??
those online diagnosis things are dangerous for us, as soon as i feel ill im on them and they jus say things we really dont need 2 hear, i wish they had like a ban on it for people like us hehe ...

04-09-08, 20:23
i wish they would ban them to! my doctors think they are terrible and dont think they should be available. he laughs when i go in and tell him of my new sympton and what i sugest it is, he says if he'd known it was that easy to become a doctor he wouldnt have studdied for all those years! i have to admit it its silly i know i shouldnt but i realy cant help it.

04-09-08, 22:12
:D Hi both, i had a brain tumour removed in feb, and i like you both now worry constantly about every little ache and pain !!

It was benign and i recently had the ok on my first mri scan since the op, but you still worry.

Why!!!! Lol!!!

Mandy :roflmao:

04-09-08, 23:35
maz 67, this is why i feel ridiculous worrying, im so so so sorry to hear u actually had one, i hate worrying bcoz people like u r the ones who need the attention not irrational people like me!
i hd meningitis at 12 n cry in the bathroom with a glass pressin down on every inch of my body if i have the slightest mark to check if its meningitis again..
i had a drug overdose (accidental) and now if im out i worry that somebodys out 2 spike me, i went thru a stage of not trustin my own house n theres only me n a 5yr old there!!! i was convinced everythin i ate or drank had somethin in it that was put there intentionally with recreational drugs in it??
if i have a headache its a brain tumour, if i have a rash its meningitis if i get dizzy ive been spiked, if theres a lump its cancer, how do i live every day life like a normal person when im convinced im gonna drop down dead with some fatal disease???!!! its been ruining my life for yrs, face to face im a normal person but underneath im dyin inside!!:weep:

05-09-08, 16:23
:D Hi thinker,

I know what you are feeling inside, i think i will always worry about things from now on, but am trying to fight it.

Last wednesday i had the ok on the scan and friday i was taken to hospital when i had like a faint like experience and was very confused !!

They kept me in overnight and did an emergency scan on my head and other tests, but all was fine. They think i may have been overtired and was doing too much or i may have developed epilepsy from the scarring in my head.

So they are now sending me for an eeg test to see if there is any activity that could of caused that. One thing after the other !!!

Your meningitis experience has made you feel like this and i can fully understand. We must try to think positive !!!!

Anytime you want a chat pm me.

Take care

06-09-08, 06:23
hi mandy, as i am new 2 this site i dont no what pm me means but i fully appreciate ur support, ur soooo brave and a wonderful person 2 be giving your time up like this... i wish i knew more people likr this in real life :-( xxx:weep:

Purple Fish
06-09-08, 09:18

I`ve been through the same anxiety of thinking I`ve got a brain tumour. I don`t know what it is about them but I think it`s cause they can be the worst scenario maybe. I thought this way for about a year before I plucked up the courage to see a doctor because I was suffering from dizziness. I had my ears checked out and apart from a build up of wax which I had removed there was nothing wrong with them. I still thought I had a tumour! I finally mentioned my fears to a very understanding doctor and it turned out I was suffering stress which was related to post trauma. The stress was causing the dizziness! I had a large ovarian cyst removed in 2005 which was quite an ordeal and it has left me with the post traumatic stress. I take Prozac at the moment which is great!
Have you discussed your fears with your doctor? It will really help, take someone with you to make you feel better.

You`ll be fine the feeling won`t last!

xx Purple Fish xx :yesyes:

chris q
06-09-08, 13:30
i am going throu that right now i get pain in my eyes and at the back of my head i had my eyes tested and thay are fine it some times feels that i have a belt around my head and its going to pop is this how you feeel thanks chris

06-09-08, 16:15
Very rarely I got a headache and if I did I use to worry in case it was something untoward but but now I really do have a brain tumour I don't think about it much............sounds daft doesn't it?

07-09-08, 20:49
i get head aches n get very light headed n feel sick so im convinced thats wot it is, im too scared to tell the doc my symptoms incase he sends me 4 a scan n then i find out i have got it!! i cudnt cope, i wudnt even let them operate but then ive got a 5yr old n im a single mum so i think i cudnt jus die n leave him n then i start stressin again!! i get so scared all the time! xx

07-09-08, 20:52
trixie, ur the 3rd person on here who has told me they have one which makes me think theyr'e even more common!? how can u not b worried, im worried for u n i dont even no u... what r they gonna do 4 u? x

07-09-08, 21:33
trixie, ur the 3rd person on here who has told me they have one which makes me think theyr'e even more common!? how can u not b worried, im worried for u n i dont even no u... what r they gonna do 4 u? x

What is the point in worrying about something that you can't do anything about only watch and wait.

According to a cancer website (UK) Each year, about 4,300 people in the UK are diagnosed with a brain tumour. Not a lot if you think about it as the population of the UK is about 62 million people.:D

I am on a watch and wait programme which means they won't remove the tumour until it gives me symptoms such as fits, limb weakness etc.

08-09-08, 10:04
so youre supposed to just let the tumour get worse before they will help u ???
i dont understand, how can they let u have this tumour in your head wen ur a worrier anyway n let u jus wait to get poorly??? im so so so sorry u have this and thankyou for givin up your time to try n make me feel better .. if anyhting i shud b tryin 2 comfort u xxxxxx

08-09-08, 14:57
so youre supposed to just let the tumour get worse before they will help u ???
i dont understand, how can they let u have this tumour in your head wen ur a worrier anyway n let u jus wait to get poorly??? im so so so sorry u have this and thankyou for givin up your time to try n make me feel better .. if anyhting i shud b tryin 2 comfort u xxxxxx

I have a meningioma which grows on the lining of the brain, it is classed as benign although they can also be malignant and atypical. The problem with this type of tumour is as they grow they press on the brain causing all sorts of problems. They cannot be shrunk by chemo, so they either operate (which can cause major problems itself) or they use radiotherapy or they use both it all depends on the location etc. Because mine was found by accident I haven't had any symptoms therefore the surgeon is going to wait until I do.

I do not suffer from health anxiety (only when it comes to my cats health-that is why I am on this board) so I don't think about the tumour and carry on like I always have done. I am a extrovert with a brilliant sense of humour (so I have been told) life is too short to be miserable. :D