View Full Version : hello fellow sufferers

04-09-08, 20:09
im a thinker, and not in a good way, i think sooo much that i get myself in to states and my stupid mind gets me panicing..
i am 22 and a single mother and have been since i was 16, my son is nearly 6 and its about time his mummy stopped worrying about dying and having irrational fears..
i have ocd, depression, anxiety etc....
my anxiety is the worst, i worry about m health all the time and am convinced something is going to happen 2 me or my little boy. thats where the ocd stes in.. my docs fob me off with all sorts and arent very helpful at all, ive lived on my own with my litlle boy since i was 17 and my mum moved abroad and my dad remarried, im pretty sure that and my babys dad leaving me for someone else has added to my depression but i dont like to point the finger as i have always been a worrier.. so theres me and my back ground, ive moaned on long enough.. thought it might give everyone abit of an insight into the real me..
i think this site is amazing and i feel really comfortable being a part of it with all you guys, feel free to msg me, im also a good listener, it takes my mind of my own probs xx

04-09-08, 20:15
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh xx

04-09-08, 20:18
hey there pooh, thankyou for the reply.. its nice to know there are people out there like us lot... i cant believe i have suffered for almost 6 yrs without finding this site.. at least im here now !! xx:D

milly jones
04-09-08, 20:20
a really warm welcome to the nmp family hunny

milly xxx :hugs:

04-09-08, 20:32
Welsom to NMP. You will find a lot of support here.
Take care.

04-09-08, 21:01
Hello all
I am new today to this site, I have been suffering with Panic Attacks for 3 years now (I a 37 yrs old and female).
I have managed to control most of the attacks but the one that I can't control is the one that caused my first panic attack.
I was stuck in a traffic jam on the M6 3 years ago and had my first major panic and from then on I can't drive my car as I feel trapped when stopped in traffic/roadworks/lights etc... I am also a terrible passenger as well, we are off the Wales in 3wks and I am dreading it incase we get stuck in traffic.

I decided to see my doctor today and he has given me Citalopram.

After reading the side effects I nearly had a panic attack they are horrible, I am so scared and just don't know what to do, I want my independance back and want to drive my car again but how !!!


04-09-08, 21:01
thankyou everyone for making me feel welcome, i hope this is the beginning of the end for me... xx

04-09-08, 22:10
Hi Thinker


Have a good read of the pages on the left for loads of support and advice.

Hope it is of some help.

04-09-08, 23:25
hi kittycay,
cars r a hard place wen ur a panicky person as they r very claustraphobic and take u away from safety i.e home etc...
i was on citalopram for a while i now am on escitalopram as i felt worse on the others it could have been psychological but i got night tremors but it was when i first started havin a mental breakdown so it could have been something to do with that..
i hope i didnt make u feel worse as i do not want that but i jus thought u shud no coz some of the tabs arent too good for side effects but i no others on them who r fine, it suits some people n not others xx

05-09-08, 16:05
Hi Thinker,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get support. Glad you found us.

Take care,


06-09-08, 02:09
Hello Tinker And Welcome, I Wish Ya Well, Linda

06-09-08, 06:19
wish i could be happy :-)