View Full Version : Hi Guys, feel silly talking to strangers instead of my family about my attacks

Dean Goodall
04-09-08, 20:58
Hi Guys
Im new to this I suffer from Anxiety and panic attacks feel like my heart is going through the roof, driving my family up the wall, just been to tameside mental hospital, thought I was okay but these attacks come like crazy didnt like staying at the hospital, but i felt fine for a while got panicked today after being in a car, I am on medication now Diazepam abd propranolol, but it seems like Im an not getting through this. any thing I can do that will help me, I have also been given sleeping tables, I smoke like a trooper, feel unstable on my feet like I am drunk.
Thanks In advance

milly jones
04-09-08, 21:46
hey dean we are not strangers we are ur nmp family, welcome

its much easier to talk here hunny

ull find that talking freely will help u see that we all suffer and we understand


milly xx

04-09-08, 21:52
hiya hun, sometimes talking to strangers is a lot easier than talking to family and tend not to judge you. hugs xxxx

04-09-08, 22:02
I only joined a few days ago and started a thread thinking that people would laugh at me but I got nothing but support. I hope you do too. You can say anything here and no one will judge you.

Take care xxx

04-09-08, 22:09
Hi Dean


Have a good read of the pages on the left for loads of support and advice.

Hope it is of some help.

04-09-08, 22:38
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

04-09-08, 23:05
welcome i only joined today myself,

dont feel silly talking to strangers as your more likely to get the kind of support and understanding you need on here mate as were all going or have gone through the same as you, its all very good having your family around for support but sometimes they just dont quite understand and can say things without realising how much it can affect you ie: things like ''pull yourself together etc'' which doesn't help, get some good info from here and show it to your family and hopefully they'll get what your going through a bit more.

you'll get through it mate, i've had anxiety and panic for 13 years its up and down and i've many a time thought im not gonna get through it but i always do, i've never gone mental or lost it but thought i was gonna lots of times also i've never died or got seriously ill either even though i've thought i was going to loads of times.

just remember you've got through every panic attack you've ever had and you WILL get through every one you'll ever have, for sure:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

04-09-08, 23:19
hi hunni
im a new one on here aswell, i was admitted to tameside, they tried tellin me i was goin mad, i knew better tho ... even tho at the time it felt like i was !!!
we are all here to talk about our probs n listen 2 other peeps, so do NOT feel silly, thats what werehere for.. x

Captain America
04-09-08, 23:32
oh you'll get through it!! you're in what my therapist calls an 'acute' phase. it gets better definitely.
i have to say, the people on this site are the greatest! one of the things i noticed was a problem for me during therapy (even in group) was when i had a symptom that no one else has, i thought i was really physically sick. this site has shown me that anxiety takes many forms, that it fluxuates (sp?), and that on this site there is someone who has experienced the same thing and come through it.
so don't worry about sharing here. there's lots of help to be had.

05-09-08, 16:06
Hi Dean,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get support. Glad you found us.

Take care,


06-09-08, 02:08
Hello Dean And Welcome To The Site, I Wish Ya Well, Linda