View Full Version : At my wits end

04-09-08, 21:27
Hi all i am a new member never used this forum before but felt I needed to as at the mo i am at my wits end. I have suffered from OCD/depression and anxiety for the last 10 years and have never actually spoken to anyone else who has similar probs. At the moment I am going through a nighmare period of anxiety which is driving me mad cannot function at all and have 3 kids. Days are the worst for me I spend the whole time so uptight i cannot do a thing but pace round the house take some valium and try to sleep it is only at night when everyone else is in bed that I seem to be able to relax watch tv and then fall asleep on the couch for a few hours.
Does any one else out there suffer from the nightmare symptoms of an ice cold upper chest and ice cold arms and back of neck these drive me insane, sorry for the long rant but i dont know what else to do at the moment oh before I forget i am on valium, seroxat and propananol at the moment thanks for taking the time to read this and any and all responses are most appreciated

milly jones
04-09-08, 21:39
hunny i dont get those symptoms but id like to send hugs and welcome u to nmp anyway

im worse at night when im not distracted

i do get cold hands and feet tho

milly xxx

Hope 2
04-09-08, 21:49
Hi Owainm

Please take comfort in knowing your are definitely not alone with this. Loads of us here can relate to the nightmare you speak of. This place can help you a great deal, there is tonnes of info and support.

I became unwell in 2001 with severe OCD, anxiety and depression ........ sound familiar lol ! I have had some help in the early days and more recently feel I am turning a corner. So don't lose hope cos you can be well again, it's a case of finding what is right for you.

Well Done for having the courage to share your story
Keep Well
Hope xx