View Full Version : Please......words of encouragement needed

04-09-08, 21:48

I posted a few days ago about feeling pretty run down, dizzy, tired and generally under the weather. My anxiety has gone through the roof and I can’t help think that this could be the onset of something serious.

My wife has said its due to being exhausted (our little boy has been unwell and I have been looking after him, as well as it being his birthday last weekend, stressing about my studies and not getting proper rest for the last few months due to chronic sciatica) but I’m freaking out that people who suffer with tumours usually start to feel run down at the early stages of trouble.

I’ve been anxiety free for almost a year but its hit me like a wrecking ball and I’m terrified that there could be something wrong to me. I have been a bit lax at keeping up a decent diet over the last week or so and I’m trying to convince myself that this too could be contributing to the feelings I have.

Have a really tight feeling going up the back of my neck and over the top of my head.

Does it sound like I’m freaking over nothing??

Could really do with some words of sense…

milly jones
04-09-08, 21:59
sounds like ur anx hunny

studies, illness, poor diet, sciatica, birthdays

sorry ur wife is right hunny

take it easy


milly xx

milly jones
04-09-08, 22:00
hey dan ask the wife for a soothing shoulder massage lol

04-09-08, 22:20
Hi Dan

phew! what a lot you have and still have going on. If it it helps...when I was at uni my stress levels went through the roof. I woke up one night and my whole body was in agony the slightest pressure had me screaming in pain. It was stress due to having a toddler who was suffering almost continually from tonsilitis (till he got them out), staying up late writing essays, not eating, not sleeping properly, my relationship heading for the skids and living in a place where I felt really isolated. All these things add up Dan.
The best thing to do is timetable your life when you are studying and include family time and persoanl social or alone time too. I know its quite regimented but having been in and out of education Ive found this really helps to reduce the stress and allows room for any crisis that might emerge to deal with.

Hope this helps

Pooh x

04-09-08, 23:09
Hey Dan, sounds like you have lots of stressful stuff going on. This is probably ramping up your anxiety symptoms, and, if you're run down - sounds like you are - then your immune system could be struggling to fight off little infections too. The pressure around your head is much, much more likely to be the result of muscle tension (as milly says, a massage would help with this :)) than a brain tumour, which rarely presents with symptoms like that. Ditto the run-down feeling - you're probably just exhausted, not tumoured.

It can be tricky to take it easy when your life is very demanding - I'd say get as much rest and relaxation as you can and maybe try vitamin and oil supplements until thing slow down a bit to boost up your immune system. Feel better soon.:)

05-09-08, 10:50

You appear to have take the famous 'downward spiral' route, so common to us Anxiety sufferers. I have a tendancy to agree with your dear wife on this one.

Exhaustion can manifest itself in so many physical symptoms. As a sufferer for nearly 40 years believe me, I know.

First of all, let's look at this logically.

1. Your little boy has been unwell = stress and worry.
2. His birthday last week, although a happy event = possible stress.
3. Stressed out about your studies = more stress (vicious cirlce).
4. Not getting proper rest = stress, agitation and low immune system.
5. Not getting proper diet = your body not getting what it needs.

In other words Dan, your ideas and worries are producing more ideas and worries. Imagine if you neglected servicing on the car, didn't give it any oil or put a load of crap petrol in the tank! Would you expect it to run properly? OK, it would do so for awhile but then it would start to produce symptons. This is exactly what is happening with you. And, in turn, you worrying about things has, and will continue to, produce Anxiety resulting in your present condition.

I think you have to look at your priorities here first. What is more important to you as regards other things that you are worrying about and put that in order. Basically Dan, your body is giving you a warning that you are not being serviced enough (no pun intended).

Another thing. Once you have sorted yourself out, dont expect the Anxiety to disappear overnight. It has been festering inside you for some time and will therefore take some time to go away. Except it but do not worry about it.


05-09-08, 11:14
Hello Dan

My anxiety was really bad last Christmas when I had not been eating properly and drinking too much. I finally took the advice of my GP and stopped drinking started eating really well and took lots of exercise. My anxiety improved so much. I had managed to keep it at bay until..... my summer holiday 2 weeks in greece eating not very well and drinking too much and and
my anxiety came back big time. I am trying now to look after myself and give myself lots of healthy things. It might be worth a try.

05-09-08, 14:39
Hi everyone.

Wow, thanks for all of the support. Managed to get myself together this morning and eat some breakfast (even though I really didn't feel like it). Felt a bit better today but going to try and take it easy over the weekend....well, as much as you can with a toddler.

Seriously though, thank you for the posts. You really have no idea how much all of the advice helps me through.


milly jones
05-09-08, 14:49
see hun the wife was right, lol

take care

hugs xxxxx

05-09-08, 14:52
yeah seriously I think we push ourselves without actually realising how hard we are doing the pushing.

I tired myself out last year very quickly with work, kids and study that I had a horrable set back and as a result was very ill. I have had to learn to relax. you kind of have to for your own nerves sake. I know what you mean about toddlers, my boy keeps me on my toes but hopefully as you said this weekend you can get a bit of relaxation in. I normally ask my folks to look after the little one for an afternoon whilst I go for a walk or something to that effect do you have anybody to help you with that?

Have a good weekend!