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View Full Version : success stories with anti deps

05-09-08, 00:02
So in October (Or maybe sooner if there are any cancelations) I am going to see a psychiatrist. If any of you know me somewhat you'll know I have a HUGE fear of anti-depressants. The biggest thing I am afraid of is that it says it may give you suicidal thoughts. This freaks me out! ! ! ! Mostly because ine of my fears is " What if I kill myself??" I don't want to and never will. . But what if the medicine makes me think this. I feel like i wont have any control. Anyway, I am probably going to start taking an anti depressant when I see her and I am scared YET a little hopeful too. I want this stuff to work for me. I know its not a miracle drug. I would just like it to take the edge off or something. SO, can anyone please tell me any success stories with anti depressants. Anything positive at all. . because believe me i already know the negative about them. Thank you.

05-09-08, 02:05
Hello, Yes, Citalopram calms me down a bit, but is not so good for the depression.

05-09-08, 11:55
I've been on loads of anti-ds over the years and it sometimes take time to find one that suits. Never had suicidal thoughts. Your psychiatrist will monitor you very closely if/when putting you on new medication. Do express your fears to him/her at the initial assessment. Good luck xx

05-09-08, 20:46
thank you. is citralopam Celexa???