View Full Version : Hello I'm Gemma

05-09-08, 01:48
Hi there, I've been suffering with panic attacks for the past few weeks. I woke up one night where it felt like my heart had skipped a beat and I awoke gasping for air. At first I thought it was a one off but then it happened the following night and it scared me. I went to the doctors who then sent me hospital after saying that I had an irregular heart beat and a heart murmor. The hospital did an ecg and took blood and all came back ok, however tomorrow I have to go for echo on my heart and I'm terrified!!!!
Everysince I was told there may be a problem with my heart I've been having panic attacks, some to the point where I hyperventilate. I've ended up going into hospital and each time they have found nothing wrong with me - just a panic attack and yet here I am still awake after dropping off to sleep and waking up like I'd stopped breathing....I Can' sleep now!

If anyone can relate please send me a message back.

Gemma aka Gizmo

05-09-08, 08:27
Hi Gemma and welcome along to NMP

there is loads of advice on the menu to your left and if you look about the forum there are many threads about irregular heartbeats and palpations, and ectopics.

Pooh x

milly jones
05-09-08, 08:30
welcome hunny

there loads of support here at nmp about this

as pooh says try the website or past posts in the forum

take care

milly xxx

05-09-08, 10:12
Thanks for replying, I have read alot on this site and it has helped tremendously. I never did get any sleep last night and haven't gone to work because I'm so very tired. I have a very understanding boss do that helps :)
I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that the heart echo comes back ok..
Thanks again


05-09-08, 11:49
Hi Gemma, welcome to the thread.
Sorry to hear what you are going through. Hope the result comes back ok. All the best.x

05-09-08, 16:08
Hi Gemma,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get support. Glad you found us.

Take care,


05-09-08, 16:28
i have had a heart murmor thay found it when i was 21
dont worry

05-09-08, 17:31
went for my echocardiagram - it went ok, however they can't give me the results for about a week and a half after i've had a twenty four hour trace...I'm still worried...hopefully I will sleep tonight, god I hope so as I'm so tired!!!!

05-09-08, 18:02
Hi Gemma

Welcome to the site I am sure you will get some good advice and lots of support on here.

Take care


05-09-08, 18:18
Welcome and good luck with the results.

05-09-08, 18:44
Hi Gemma

Welcome, over the years i have had ECG, echo, brain scan, some weird test where electrodes are put all over your head, tests on my ears, diabetes and thyroid tests and guess what i suffer from anxiety. Hope all goes well with your test results and you finally get some sleep. xx


05-09-08, 20:24
:welcome: :welcome: to nmp. You will find lots of help here and make many new friends along the way.
Good luck

05-09-08, 23:52
Thankyou again for all of your support,it really does help :)
I went out for a meal tonight and had an extremely bad panic attack. I spent most of my time outside trying to get myself together. I was so very dizzy,when my heart skipped a beat and I paniced the sensation went straight to my head and i felt like I was going to pass out...it was quite upsetting - I was normal a few weeks ago and now I feel like a wreck!

06-09-08, 01:49
Hello Gemma And Welcome To The Site , I Wish Ya Well, Linda

08-09-08, 22:51
Hi Gemma

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

08-09-08, 23:13
Hi and welcome, you will soon make lots of new friends.