View Full Version : Feeling a bit sorry for myself!

05-09-08, 02:51
Hi guys,sorry to post a new thread again but I am feeling a bit let down and more anxious(if that's possible)today.
I am currently waiting for counselling and on Monday the surgery phoned to tell me that I was way down the list and will have to wait longer to see a counsellor,it could even be next year before I'm seen.
I feel as though I might be mad by then as my insomnia is getting worse,actually I don't think it's insomnia anymore I think it's anxiety waking me up and making me think I am going to have a heart attack or something,I can't remember the last time I slept right through the night-honestly I can't.
Does anybody else wake up suddenly or with a start with heart thumping or jumping,pulse in the throat and panicky thoughts and feelings?,they always happen in the middle of the night and not a night goes by without this happening to me,I tend to have disturbing dreams too when I do manage to drop off about 4am.
I feel so alone in this as my husband sleeps through these episodes of mine and I let him now as he can't do anything,what's the point of him losing sleep as well,only to sit downstairs with me panicking,he works hard and needs his rest.
I know the lack of sleep and rest is getting to me as I snap at folk during the day and constantly feel spaced out(I am not on any meds)and exhausted mentally,the only time I feel ok is when I am watching tv on a night or reading a magazine or book.
Sorry to go on AGAIN! but this counselling or lack of it is making me panic as I feel as though it will get worse if I don't get some form of help soon.

milly jones
05-09-08, 08:24
hunny u are were i was several months ago

firstly in my opinion it is the anx

have u tried herbal nytol etc? i then moved to the medicated nytol and that worked a while

u need to get ur sleeping habits back to establish the old routine of not waking in the night

i eventually took zopiclone for a while and my meds were changed and most of the time sleep is okish now

as to the counselling hunny, i find online cbt helpful, livinglifetothefull for example

also nmp is a wonderful talking therapy in itself

i would go back and see ur gp and tell him how on the edge u feel

there must be emergency mental health teams in ur area who can see u to assess u sooner

i often found that coming down in the night and going into chat helped relieve my thoughts and make me tired

god bless bill for the time he spent with me, lol

and then id go back to bed again

take care and hugs to u

milly xxxxx

05-09-08, 09:43
You poor thing - I know what it is like to be where you are - it is the lonelyness that got me most when I wasnt sleeping - it really feels like you are the obly person in the world awake, and hearing your partner snoring away next to you makes it even worse. For me the insomnia was a trigger point for more anxiety, as bed and sleep is my 'safe place' - therefore when i start to feel bad in bed, i go on a rocket up to the peak of anxiety as i know there is nowhere i can go to get rid of the feelings.....
I have no real advise on how to deal with it - other then remember that noone ever died from lack of sleep, and your body will eventually take over if it is must get some rest.
Thinking of you

05-09-08, 18:00
It's horrible the waking in the night - you do just feel so alone and you don't know what to do with yourself to ease the anx. You wonder if you should get up or stay in bed it's awful. I think it's better to get up out of bed and maybe make a cup of tea - this breaks your attention away from the anxiety symptoms. The vivid dreams are not nice either I suffered earlier in the year and I was given meds to help me sleep. I take Nytol now which I find good. The anxiety is causing all this of course - something really playing on your mind.

Regarding counselling - do youo have a MIND in your area? MIND do free counselling and they are marvellous.

Have you not considered meds - maybe you could try a low dosage of something like Citalapram.

Take care