View Full Version : Need some advice

05-09-08, 03:52
THis is my first real post on this wonderful site and it has been a godsend to be able to come here as it helps to know there are others out there experiencing what I do. I suffer from anxiety, and panic attacks and a little OCD (the doctors think its mild and an offshot of my panic attacks and the way I process my thoughts going round and round) thats what they say anyways. What I need some help or support with is that I am having a hard time controlling it lately, its like a time bomb that is going to go off any second. I am really good at hiding it and I havn't needed meds in a while as I was able to controll it but things in my life are just getting to much to cope with it all. (split with my ex after 15 yrs, fell in love again, together a year and a half and now he is not sure if I am worth the effort anymore - long story short and he doesn't believe I have problems just emotional hormonal girl) can't sleep, not eating, waiting on the boyfriend to dump me as he says he is just taking it on a day to day basis and to wait and see, which is horrible for the way my mind thinks, now I am paranoid, scared, etc. everything and I have to work 8-10 hours a day with the public and I don't think I can hide it anymore. So... really sorry to poor this out to you but does anyone have any great ideas on some calming, breathing tips to get me through, I am in a small town now so I am embarrassed (I know stupid) to go to the hospital here, don't know what to do but I can feel a breakdown or something coming and I am scared about losing it again. Just typing this is helping and knowing that I can come here. THanks everyone any ideas ????

05-09-08, 08:01
Sounds as though you are going through a hard time, no wonder you feel like this.

First of all don't be embarrassed to seek help, there is nothing to be ashamed of.

Deep breathing helps me and it really does work. Lie down and relax the best you can, breath in through your nose with mouth shut counting to 6 then SLOWLY breath out through your mouth counting to 8. Do this 5 or 6 times it really helps, it does me anyway
give it a try and see what happens.

Good luck :hugs: :hugs:

milly jones
05-09-08, 08:11
hi hunny

as someone who recognises what ur saying only too well can i suggest u do seek help please

this horrible illness needs help and the longer it goes on the harder it is to control

my breathing tip would be to find a square or rectangle, eg a door or wimdow frame. to start at a corner and visually trace along its side breathing in until u reach the next corner, breathe out along the next side etc. doing this slowly helps to control ur breathing and distracts u from the panic

hugs to you

milly xxx

06-09-08, 03:31
Thanks to you all for the advice, the breathing does help a bit its just trying to stop the thoughts thats hard, I guess I am just stressed that I won't be able to control it again and I am losing all the hard work I did to get a grip on this thing, thats what is scary too. Thanks for being there I will just keep plugging along :)