View Full Version : Neck and throat pressure, twitching

05-09-08, 04:54
Hi all. I was wondering if anyone else ever experienced a feeling of tightness or pressure in the area that runs from the back of your ear down to the base of your throat? Also it occasionally twitches.

One of my worst symptoms with anxiety has always been palps and chest pains. I have finally learned to deal with those and they don't often bother me anymore, but when I feel the above symptoms, my heart starts pounding and I feel it in my neck/throat and it just compounds everything. You've heard the old saying, my heart jumped into my throat? Well that's what it feels like.

I have been to the cardiologist, had all the tests - EKGs, Echo, Holter Monitor. Nothing abnormal ever showed up.

I've thought perhaps this might be TMJ but I've never been diagnosed with that, so I don't know. I do often have ear problems, usually on this same side (right), so maybe ear related? Is there something that runs from behind your ear down your neck?

Rambling. Rough night. Everyone else in house asleep. Except me.

Thanks in advance for any helpful, supportive advice you can offer.


05-09-08, 14:12
You could have a blocked tube. There is a tube that runs from your ear down to your throat area and if too much fluid accumulates there it will have a pressure and a slight pain to it. It can also affect your balance. I know when mine is blocked because I can feel the pressure and then I will swallow alot because it feels as if it is draining dowm the back of my throat. Also when I lay with my head to that side I can feel the build up. I hope this helps.

05-09-08, 16:58

This sounds very much like an inner ear/eustachian tube blockage

Tr steaming or decongestants


H x

14-09-08, 01:25
sounds like tmj

14-09-08, 03:52
I get what I call "ear twitches" when I have a panic attack. It is just one of my many symptoms. It sound just like in the same exact location you described also. That may just be me though.

18-07-12, 06:43
I was recently diagnosed with a motor tic. I had all the scans and nothing showed up but
its when your throat/neck muscles spasim while you breath in or just randomly.
you can get medication for this but it is normally caused by anxiety, stress and tight neck and back muscles.
Hope this helps! x

27-07-12, 12:33
I haven't been diagnosed with tmj but im sure i have it. Read up on em symptoms (its allright to do so with something like tmj). I got what youre experiencing as well.I bought a mouthguard just to see how much I clench and grind my teeth at night. Its all busted up now haha (and yes I know theres a difference between tmj and bruxism :) :)