View Full Version : been doing well now im not too sure

18-05-05, 21:04
ive been doing well, i (think) i know im not going to crack up.
but for the last week or so ive just been thinking what if it comes back, what will i do, ive had a hectic week, and still have to come. that scared me a bit, coz i thaught what if i cant cope!! even when im sleeping my minds still going. when i wake in the night (as i do) its the first thing im thinking of!! is it back?? will i be bad like before?? it like im over 1 thing and my minds latched onto another!
the thing is you see, if i can just forget what ever happend i know ill be ok!
the really annoying thing is i can forget appointments/my keys and stuff, the things i need, but not this!! hehehehehehe

18-05-05, 21:15
Haaaa now this is called "feeding the fear". You are allowing it to breed quite happily cos it is getting all the signals from you to go ahead and ruin your week.

I know it is hard but you need to change your thought processes. Don't wake up thinking "oh god I am going to feel crap today". Try to wake up and think "it is a new day and I am going to be fine"

I know this is easier said than done - if it was easy we would all be cured. However, don't let those negative thoughts dwell. When you go to bed turn them off and leave them till the next day.

You can do this but it is a change of thought so not easy.

It will come in time ok?


18-05-05, 21:28
thanks nicola, my coumsellor thinks in someway im using these (thaughts/panics) as a comfort thing. i know im doing it, but i hate it so much, and it really depresses me, thats why i dont understand why im struggling somedays. i know im not like i was a year ago. and i very rarely have the adrenaline rushes as before. thanks nicola, i dont think i would of even came this far if it wasnt for people on here! xxxx

18-05-05, 21:34
hi Kimmy,

There are times when all the negative thoughts seem to rush back to us at once. This happened to me last night after feeling fine for quite a while. As Nic says, all you can do is try not to let it get to you and stay positive. Have a plan of what you will do to take your mind off it when the negative thoughts come..

Sarah :D

18-05-05, 21:35
hey kimmy,
i'm sure lots of people on here can relate to what you're saying - it's so easy to fall into the trap of thinking 'hmm, last time i came here it was a nightmare, so i bet it's the same this time' or 'i've got so much on at work this week - last time it made me panic, i bet it does this time' etc etc.
i try to tell myself that everything will be okay, that i'm going to have a good day etc, even if i don't really believe it. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. just try repeating positive things in your head the whole time, even if you think you're talking rubbish! henri x

18-05-05, 21:44
thank you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:D

18-05-05, 22:33
Kimmy, Changing your thoughts is truly pivitol.. You are not alone. Its a tough one ..

Thoughts : Lets try to keep our thoughts in perspective (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=283)
More thoughts : Mind Games (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1789)
Thoughts: obsessive thoughts & anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3096)

Creeping fears : Has anyone else felt this symptom? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3080)
Freedom from thoughts: Have you ever achieved freedom from your thoughts (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3184)


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

19-05-05, 08:43
Your feelings are completely normal and a process of working to get better. But remember the good days will outweigh the bad and before you know it youll be fine and back to your well self xxx We all have blips and im sure this is just a blip, read books listen to relaxation cds you will soon with practice re train your thought pattern.

Love & Hugs from Sarah-Jane xxxx