View Full Version : Feel really down today, can't find any motiviation

05-09-08, 10:56
I feel really bad today, my chest feels tight and breathing normally feels like an effort.....and that's all that I can think about. I keep thinking that any moment now I'll start having one of those really bad "breathing" episodes... I've been through this so many times before, one would think that I should be able to just ignore all of that stuff by now.

I just can't find any motivation today....office is pretty quiet...it's gloomy outside and I keep watching the clock....just want to go home and watch a movie in bed or something.....I'd take half-day but I already took a day-off when I wasn't feeling right about 2 weeks ago.

Today is just not such a good day.....

Anyone else having a bad day? Or a good day maybe?

05-09-08, 12:00
Hi nomore........ sorry you feeling so down, i get days like that too, and it always seems worse at work for some reason doesnt it. And the miserable weather outside doesnt help does it.
If your office isnt busy with work maybe your employer will allow you a half day holiday, thats what i do when im feeling particulary anxious, but i hope your feeling a little better by now.
Take care

milly jones
05-09-08, 12:10
hey yep today is worse than ever lol

at least we have nmp hun

it keep me sane

les is right ask about going home if it will help

praps an afternoon with hot choc and a film or book will recharge ur batteries.

on the other hand its only a few hours till the weekend, then ull be free for 2 days

hugs, take care

mill xx

05-09-08, 14:10

I feel a bit better now but I guess it's just one of those days....oh well....as the saying goes: "Try to forget and move on".