View Full Version : Help, Help, Help

05-09-08, 12:45
I just need some freindly words of encouragement!

I am 11 days into a course of fluoxetine and my anxiety is making me crawl up the walls. Even taking diazepam is not really taking the edge of it. I am just going crazy. Not sure whether to push through or stop taking the fluoxetine. If I stop tkaing the fluoxetine what then???

I am in a terrible state.:weep:

milly jones
05-09-08, 12:47
hi hun

i took prozac and they blew my mind

after a week i went to see my gp and he changed my meds straight away

talk to ur gp hun

hugs mill xxxx

05-09-08, 13:37
SSRI Antidepressants can have a serious effect on your body/head, I don't think doctor's take enough consideration over this when they're prescribing to someone already highly strung out from anxiety. I took both Prozac and Seroxat, the Prozac gave me a constant headache and a feeling of everything being "unreal", the Seroxat gave me the biggest panic attack ever, I would never take them again. I did stick with the Prozac but the side effects never improved and eventually I gave up with meds.
I think you should go back to your doc and explain how you're feeling, if you have an understanding doc you may get prescribed a different antidepressant (my docs attitude was just keep trying different ones til we find one that works!)
Has your doc offered to refer you for counseling? If not, then you should ask, but the waiting list is usually very long.
I know it's hard when you're feeling so anxious, but try to sit somewhere quietly and slow your breath right down, close your eyes and try deep breathing and positive self talk - I know this sounds a bit new agey, but when I panic the little voice in my head keeps me freaking out with what ifs (what if I go mad? What if I can never work again? What if I get so anxious I can never eat/sleep etc. etc.) Stopping that little voice is really important, but takes a lot of strength.
In my experience the Doctor has never come up with a useful solution, have you thought about getting some private therapy/counseling - expensive but at least it's immediate, and talking can help more than pills.

Hope you feel better,
Nettles X

05-09-08, 17:51

Prozac is definitely one of the ssris which can make anxiety much worse on start up. From what I have read it may not be the best med for anxiety sufferers. I had it years ago but from what I can remember didn't stay on it for long. Prozac is meant to be marvellous for depression and sometimes when the depression lifts the anx does too.

The side effects of the Prozac may be overriding the Diazepam - dunno if you could take a higher dosage of the Diazepam. I would give it a couple of weeks to settle into the system if you can stand it. However, you sound like you are suffering badly and I personally would give gp a ring.


05-09-08, 18:09
Just hang in there for a few more days, i'v been taskin fluoxetine for 3 weeks now and i'm only just starting to feel the benefits. I too was going to stop taking it because it's actually an anti depressant and can cause anxiety. I was a bit unsure of why i was taking it because my depression is caused by my anxiety and i just thought whats the point in going round in circles. I felt worse than i had before i started taking it. Then my friend suggested that i only take 1 every other day for a few days. I did this for four days, then i started taking it every day again. I am now finding that it is working. I feel loads better and has a result me my partner and our son have spent a lovely day with his brothers family at busy pub/restaurant. Something i havent been able to enjoy for weeks. My son is almost 2 and can really throw a good paddy but i have been able to handle it and i havent cared what other people have thought either.
Just see how you feel in another week and if you're still not feeling the benefits then it obviously is'nt working for you.
These kind of tablets take time to settle in our system.
Hope you start to feel better soon.
Hold in there XX

05-09-08, 18:15
Prozac wasn't for me either. I, too, have a doctor that just wants to keep trying new pills hoping we will get one right. I am on Zoloft, Seroquel, and Wellbutrin, and Clonazepam. How the heck am I supposed to know what works and what doesn't??