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View Full Version : Citalopram - what else?

05-09-08, 18:38
Had what I now know it anxiety for 10 years - main problem is dizziness. Feels like vertigo.
Anyaway - have been given Citalopram and was due to start today, read the notes on here and decided NOOOOOOOO way am I taking that.
I don't get depressed, its just the physical symtoms of anxiety that I can't stand.
I smoke, drink and do little exercise. From today this is all changing.

There have been posts referring to breathing exercises to help the symptoms but cant find the notes.
I was also wondering if anyone else had tried other methods - yoga, hypnotherapy, acupuncture (sorry for spelling if wrong) that had worked well?

This site is a mecca!!

milly jones
05-09-08, 18:46
yes it is megga hun

certainly life style changes can help anx

cutting out caffeine, less sugar, more water, more fruit and veg, less processed stuff, and exercise helps loads

there are loads of breathing stuff on the top tips part of the forum

i have dep/anx too and took citalopram and the side effects were no way as bad as the anx, just to let u know

take care

milly xxxx

05-09-08, 19:18
I have suffered from anxiety for many years and also enjoy a drink but it all got a bit much and I was fed up of feeling so wound up and nervy. I have been taking Citalopram for just over a week and after the initial horrible feelings of sickness and stomach pains, I am not feeling better, so the side affects are not great but only short lived.
I am not feeling so anxious and seem to be taking things much easier so I would recommend taking them, hated the idea of meds but am sure now I am settled on them I am feeling the benefits.

Good luck x

05-09-08, 19:47
Hi sutty
I too was given citalopram last week and decided not to take them, plus my husband was against me taking any other meds as i came off the meds i was on a few months ago and he didnt want me to take any more. Theside effects read like a horror story, i feel anxious enough some days without taking something to make them worse. So like you ive decided to muddle through without any meds if i can. Im trying to improve my diet and include more exercise as its a great help. I tried yoga a few years ago and found that quite relaxing...the dr weeks downloads on nmp shop are really excellent and well worth a listen. Good luck
Take care xx

05-09-08, 20:12
Thanks for the advice - the more I read the more I want to do this without pills.
There must be people out there who have beaten this without the drugs.

I have decided to get healthy from tomorrow - stop the cigs, drop the booze, caffiene and bad diet. I will also start some gentle exercise like Yoga.

I am keen to try these breathing exercises as well!!

milly jones
05-09-08, 20:22
good on u matey xx