View Full Version : Continual diarrhoea & vomitting - SCARED

05-09-08, 20:54
It started Monday night, vomitting and d all through the night, then all Tues, I ate nothing just drank water for 2 days, then thurs I tried eating some bread, sick and more d to follow, then today went to the docs who said "probably a virus" and gave me some anti sickness pills. So I had a pill and tried some bread, more sickness and d, had some lucosade and then a horrendous 2 hours on the loo. It's just water......excuse the detail.

Now I'm paranoid it is either:
Cancer of somewhere
Linked to the worry I have on Brain tumours and my facial pain

My Tummy hurts so much...

milly jones
05-09-08, 20:59
aww hunny, hugs,

try and drink just fluids. i find de fizzed lemonade is good cos of the sugars. there is a mix of electrolytes u can get too to help replace lost goodness

if this continues u must seek help again

i use imodium for lose stools, but not generally sickness too

once its thru ur system u should feel better

mill xxx

05-09-08, 21:05
Sounds like the bad ol Nora virus doing the rounds at the mo hun.
Even though you feel hungry, dont eat til you havent had the runs or vomitting for a good 12 hours ATLEAST. My 13 yr old had it for 5 days. Called the doc out, nothing they could give him.
One bonus is you prob wont get it again cuz your body will of built up resistance to it. You have been unlucky getting it i bet.

05-09-08, 21:08
Thanks guys, i guess it's the amount of time that has been worrying me....normally if I've ever had anything like this before, it's just be a few days :(.
I'll try defizzed lemo... Thanks Milly
Google isn't helping....

05-09-08, 21:08
Hi :)

I haven't got HA but I hope you don't mind me replying to this.
There are a lot of nasty tummy viruses going around at the moment so doctors are never very sympathetic.
Can you get some Dioralyte from the chemist (the stuff they give to kiddies) as it will replace lost fluid and body salts.
Also I would try and avoid bread as I find it tends to make things worse, try a spoonful of clear soup like chicken noodle and avoid anything with milk in it until the diarrhoea has stopped.
I'm sure your poor tummy is sore because of the strain it has when you have to keep going to the loo..being sick also makes the tummy muscles hurt.
I hope you feel better soon, try not to get too worried. (Easier said than done I know).

05-09-08, 21:19
Ths doc said not to use imodium for stools like water - as there's nothing for them to form up from?! Also I have to take in a sample on Monday....

05-09-08, 21:20
Thanks Ladybird, any response is muchly appreciated!

05-09-08, 21:30
ya, i was sick for a few days n now my aunt is sick, so even in ireland there is some kind of bug going around. drink lots of water n maybe something sugary too. i find it hurts less to vomit on a belly full of water than an empty tummy. being sick does make anxiety alot worse, try to remember that this will be gone in a few days x

milly jones
05-09-08, 21:32
sorry i didnt know about imodium hun xx

05-09-08, 21:44
Important not to get dehydrated.

Drink plenty fluids to flush your system through.

Flat soft drinks (lucozade, cola or lemonade with the fizz gone flat), clear soup or broth.
Water with 1/2 teaspoon of sugar & pinch of salt.
Dioralyte is good (from chemist).

Sip at them slowly throughout the day, rather than gulp them down.

05-09-08, 21:48
Thanks for the advice. I guess I'll just have to go back to the docs if no better next week :(

05-09-08, 22:08
sorry i didnt know about imodium hun xx

Nor me, I'd been popping quite a few - but they were not doing anything!!

Tried to get hubby to the shops for lemonade but he says it is too wet - that's nice in his wife's hour of need! Will have to stick to water.:ohmy:

06-09-08, 14:52
Sounds like a horrid bug but have to say that dioralyte (as mentioned before) works wonders.... it really tastes grim though - but works a treat. If it helps, my husband has Crohn's disease - and it's truly chronic, i.e. every day for months... very painful and, to my knowledge, no vomiting....

Hope you get well soon.

10-09-08, 13:46
Thanks - glad to say that the V & D has passed, although I am left with constant nausea and really aching legs and lower back. Mainly when I am at rest though, which is odd. Any ideas?

milly jones
10-09-08, 13:59
so glad ur feeling a bit better hunny

sounds like ur body has been to hell and back

take care and rest up til u feel better


milly xxx