View Full Version : Hello I am new here

06-09-08, 00:15
Just a quick hello to everyone here,
My name is Mark and I am 35.
For the past few years I have been convinced I am about to die!! I get regular episodes of palpitations and often end up at the doctors or the local hospital. I have had 2 ECG'S the first showed sinus tachycardia ad the most recent also showed the sinus tachycardia but also a slightly long P wave??
I am convinced the doctors have missed something as they say that with my hypertension the ecg is nothing to worry about. I worry for my wife and kids if something happened to me.
I think I may have identified what started all this off. I think it was when I was on Beta Blockers for hypertension, one day they slowed my heart down to below 20bpm I felt really ill and drove to a+e where I was rushed to the resuscitation room untill it got better. A few years ago my elderly grandfather was taken ill and rushed to the exact same bedspace I was in, unfortunatley he did not make it. I think it has left an imprint on my brain somewhere and I am convinced I will die.
My wife has to put up with my episodes as do my young children and I am sure it cant be good for them.
Having read through this site I seem to identify with much of whats being said on here. I regularly search my symptoms on the internet and most times it comes up with panic/anxiety although last week it said I could be pegnant!!!:D.
Anyway enough of my waffle.

its all good
06-09-08, 01:02
Hey mark, well i hope your not pregnant otherwise you would be a medical mystery! I have only just joined this site but i just wanted to say hi and i am sure you will find some answers/support on here cause everyone seems really helpful x

06-09-08, 01:47
Hello Mark And Welcome To The Site, I Wish Ya Well, Linda

06-09-08, 03:22
Welcome to the forum!!

06-09-08, 14:21
hiya mark and welcome to nmp, i hope u find lots of great support and advice here. hugzz xxxxxx

06-09-08, 14:50
Hello Mark. Just wanted to say hi and welcome, this site is really good and it covers a vast assortment of different things, so we never feel isolated. God Bless.

06-09-08, 16:39
Hi Mark, :)

as every one has said already welcome to no more panic, i am sure you will find lots of users on here with the same kinda things going on, but some how no matter how much you think your on your wone you now know your not the only one.

you said in your post that you have hypertention, can i ask were even tho it may sound obvius to everyone else, i have hypertention, but in my brain, IIH or BIIH. if you dont want to talk to about it that fine. but if you do you can send me a pm.

you will make lots of new friends here too.

welcome. :welcome:

Amanda.x ((((Mark))) :yahoo:

milly jones
06-09-08, 22:14
hi hunny

a warm welcome to out nmp community

its great here hunny and safe

hugs :bighug1:

milly xxxx

08-09-08, 22:35
Hi Mark

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

09-09-08, 18:49
Hi and welcome, I am sure you will soon find your way around and make lots of new friends.