View Full Version : Waking uo gasping for air

06-09-08, 10:02
Recently i've been waking up either just as I fall to sleep and gasping for air as though Ive stopped breathing. Last night was the worse, after finally dropping off to sleep I wokeup with a huge gasp as though i'd been holding my breath:weep: - It really scared me..

Can anyone relate to this?

06-09-08, 10:25
I think if you are snoring in your sleep this can happen... do you have a cold at the moment? My ex-partner used to do this all the time and he used nasal strips. They helped a bit. You might want to pop to your doctor, there are sprays and other things that can help with this.

06-09-08, 16:04
Hi Gizmo

Yes I get it, although not as bad as I used to. It's horrible & scary, isn't it? I wonder how long I've actually stopped breathing.

Are you on medication? Some medications can bring it on & some can exacerbate it. Like leeBee suggested, pop to the drs & see what he/she says.

In the meantime, please try not to worry, as I said I had it for years & still get it sometimes.

Take care


06-09-08, 18:14
Thanks for your comments, it really helps...yes it is very scary indeed! I'm getting to the point were i am reluctant to go to bed..I'm not on any medication, but ever since i went to the doc's and they said I had a heart murmer, missed heart beats and am still having tests it seems to be worse and i have panic attacks every day...

Do you have panic attacks too?

Thanks again


06-09-08, 18:38
Hi Gizmo

Yes I have panic attacks too:mad: :weep: Maybe the tests you are having lately are making you more anxious & bringing on the stopping breathing thing. You will always breath because the breathing centre in your brain will always work.

Our bodies go through such strange things when we fall asleep, which we don't normally realise if we go straight to sleep, but if we kinda drift off, we feel them. But would take a nerulogist (sp) to explain, lol.

It prolly only happens as you're drifting off, if it was happening during the night, you would wake up at those times too.

Hope I have been a little help, but it's still worth mentioning to you dr, or hospital if you're still having tests.

Take care,