View Full Version : Woke Up, Thought I was gonna die...again

06-09-08, 12:37
This morning I woke up when my left arm decided to go numb on me, and with pins and needles.

Of coruse I thought i was having a heart attack.

But I kept breathing as slow as I could, and soon the numbness went away, and pins and needles just slighty remenant now. But began shivering and trembling right after.

Just had to get it out =(

06-09-08, 13:12
Hi lunasea

The fact that you had pins-n-needles suggests that you where probably lying on your arm while asleep. I remember waking up once with both arms numb. As I couldn't use my arms to get up, I had to rock from side to side to get out of bed then swing my arms to get some blood in them - hurts like hell when the sensation comes back.
