View Full Version : headache

06-09-08, 13:37
I have a throbbing on right hand side of head and tightness ,had it over a week and lasts all day ....tried all painkillers but doesnt work......is this like a tension headache?

06-09-08, 13:55
Yeah jamie I think it is, I get them a lot and different people experience them in different ways. Just try to relax. Do you feel stressed at the moment??

06-09-08, 14:06
yes been to doc and got painkillers but dont really help I sleep ok but wake up with it and it lasts all day been going on about a week now,any advice would be appreciated :)

06-09-08, 15:30
Errm..Do you grind your teeth together?
Sometimes this can cause headaches, if you do it in your sleep?

06-09-08, 16:46
I had tension headaches and also found out that painkillers did not work on them. I found out that I am grinding my teeth when I get anxious. The only thing that got rid of mine was a trip to the ER to get a shot of Dilodin. They are gone now for the most part. Take care honey, I feel for you.

06-09-08, 16:49
how would I know if I grind my teeth ?.....is this throbbing on one side similiar to a tension headache then

06-09-08, 23:51
anyone else get these throbbing one sided headaches ......Im hoping its only tension

06-09-08, 23:59
You can usually tell that you've been grinding your teeth in your sleep because your jaw aches and sometimes your head.

The tightness in your head indicates that it is tension rather than something else. If you tense the muscles in your shoulders or neck or jaw - really common when you are anxious - this can give you a tension headache which sometimes feels like a tight band of pain around your head but it can be a patch of pain and tightness or just on one side or the other. I wake up with this when I've had an anxious night, and you can be tense in your sleep without even realising it.

Doing things that relax your muscles you will probably help more than over-the-counter painkillers - maybe a hot bath before bed, massage or gentle yoga to stretch out the muscles in your neck and shoulders. If there had been another reason for your headache your doctor would have picked it up, so try not to worry too much (it will make you more tense!):)

07-09-08, 00:04
yes Ive trained all painkillerrs they just dull it but its always there on one side throbbing by my temple....any other suggestions

07-09-08, 11:26
does anyone else get similiar headaches

07-09-08, 11:50
i get tension headaches all the time and migraines too... have u had a recent eye test?? u might just have a bit of straining going on.. take care xxxxxxxx

07-09-08, 13:40
will it eventually just go away if I try and ignore it

07-09-08, 14:21
Mine are almost gone. I still get it about once a week when I stress myself out. There are things you can do to relax your shoulders and your jaw from grinding your teeth. When we get anxious we bunch our shoulders up around our necks. That causes the muscles to tighten and after awhile they stay that way until we learn how to relax them. Rolling your shoulders and doing stretches can help as will a warm bath. Relax your breathing, and let your mind wander if you can. Tension headaches are the worst. I feel your pain. The more you can try and relax the more this will pass. Take care.

07-09-08, 15:36
yes keep getting shooting pains on one side that come and go too..is this all part of tension

07-09-08, 19:05
will they eventually subside if I learn to relax

07-09-08, 19:43
yeah I get very similiar headaches,mine seem to be on one side like a dull pulsating throb in one place,they really freak me out.I also get them in one temple like a stabbing pain,and feel very anxious when I do get them.I went to the doctor and she made me hold my hands out in front of me and shone a light in my eyes and then just said "there's nothing sinister going on there" I guess I will have to hope they are just tension or anxiety.

08-09-08, 09:49
yes painkillers dont work and its only on oe side liek a stabbing pain...anything I can do to relieve them

08-09-08, 10:23
Hi Jamie
It is just tension, try to relax and do something to take your mind off it:D

08-09-08, 10:54
Thanks for your support :)

I just worry its never going to stop as had it for over a week now

08-09-08, 11:24
It will stop when you relax:D
Hard to relax I know but try
I have had symptoms for over a week and they did go away, so try not to worry so much:hugs:

08-09-08, 20:39
did you have them every day like a hrobbing stabbing on one side..Im worried : (

eternally optimistic
08-09-08, 21:26
Hi Jjamie

I went to the chemist for something for this sort of thing.
Initially thought it was my teeth, even dentist said it was stress (didnt say I had problems there.

Was lucky that the lady at the chemist had experience anxiety/panic attacks herself and was very helpful. Pharmacist give me something over the counter, think it was syndol. Did help a bit.

Co codamol was something my doctor prescribed for facial/head pain too.

I get horrible headaches and shoulder pain when I im uptight, it can be really grim.

Hope you find something that helps.


08-09-08, 21:30
thanks for the advice ....Ive had mine for over a week now as soon as I wake up till I go to bed ..sometimes makes me flinch.....will it evetually pass and are these common symptoms

eternally optimistic
08-09-08, 21:59
suppose your Doctor is the only one who can answer that.

I do get headaches frequently, they usually go alongside my anxiety levels!

I often wake with them and have them for days.

It just one of those things I have learnt to live with, it is BLISS when theyve gone.

08-09-08, 22:14
well this ones been with me nearly two weeks is that normal

09-09-08, 09:18
Yes Jamie is it normal, especially if you keep worrying about it, as you will be tense and anxious.

09-09-08, 10:48
Jamie, if you've been to your doctor in the last few days and he/she said it was tension then you can be reassured that that's what it is. Have you tried any of the relaxation techniques, or the Syndol suggested by Jay Ann? Try to relax and you might find it starts to ease off.:)

09-09-08, 13:07
hi been to doc and he said he thinks its tension but wuld do a scan if it didnt ease which scared me! he said it was mainly to put my mind at rest though....does this sound liek a tumourr to anyone ?

09-09-08, 13:20
My headache as become something which is there alot lately it just feels as if something lays heavy just above my right eye.

Pain killers do not seem to shift it and I am not sure what to do.

I am sure its just anxity as my partner suffers with the same thing but his pain starts in his neck and works its way round, as mine just starts at the side of my head and seems to stay in the same place.

I have had a brain scan and that came back clear so i know there is nothing to worry about.


09-09-08, 13:31
yes but just worried as to why they are send ing me for a brain scan.....how do most tumours present themselves is what Im suffering common

09-09-08, 16:16
Hi there jjamie!

Listen, I think you are somatisizing. This is proboblay your anxiety, and not "real" headache.

I have headaches just like you, that lasts for days, even weeks, and don't get better after really high dosages of painkillers.

I see a therapist for my somatizing. Somatisizing is extremely common in people with panic disorder (about half of us have it either we know it or not).
For me this condition is pretty straightforward - I experience stress that make me anxious, and I hang in there for a while, before I start experiencing strong physical symptoms.
I once was dizzy for weeks (so dizzy I couldn't get out of bed and even fainted), and this went away after beeing told I wasn't "really" dizzy. The same thing happens with my headache.
What happens is I sort of pick up minor, harmless symptoms (like mild dizziness from low bloodsugar or a little tension headache) and I kind of stick with the symptoms long after they are actually gone and without any physical reason.

You should see a doctor anyways, as one always should when headaches don't go away, but I really think your problems are anxiety related and not physical.

09-09-08, 20:19
Hi thnaks it makes sense so that can actually produce a thriobbing headache just the somizing ?

10-09-08, 04:51
Oh yes, unfortunately... :blush:
The brain is powerfull. It can throw all kinds of imaginary pains against you that feels just like the real thing.
It can even produce the pain for real, so that you have actual headache, but with no physical cause, just anxiety.
My therapist even told me one of his patient was totally paralyzed in one of him arms. This didn't let go until the patient had a chance to deal with stress in his life hat produced anxiety/somatizising.

Dizziness, nausea and headache are the most common complaints somatizing patients experience. I couldn't believe that I could really imagine this myself as the pains and the dizziness was so painfull - until we started talking about trauma that was behind my anxiety, and then the dizziness went away in a heart beat. Same thing happened with my headache.

10-09-08, 12:33
well I figure if its a tumour it wouldve got worse by now and I really dont want to go for a scan......has anyone else been throught this type of thing

11-09-08, 19:09
my doc sais it was pointless getting a scan as I dont have those type of symptoms....will this headache evntually subside if I try and forget about it!

14-09-08, 01:22
i do

15-09-08, 10:31
you do what ...sorry ?

15-09-08, 11:04
I think if you are worried you should get a scan - not because it sounds like anything is wrong, because it doesn't, it sounds like a tension headache for sure. It sounds like your doctor intially suggested the scan to put your mind at ease - if your mind is eased than the pain will subside. I get the most terrible headaches that no painkillers can touch and I've had scans that show they are not caused by anything serious. The pain and the fear combined can be a bit hard to handle sometimes!!!

15-09-08, 12:34
yes I know but I really dont want to go to hospital..if it was anuthing bad it would be getting worse but theyre not so will trya nd ignore them

23-09-08, 19:45
does sinusitius classicaly have nasal blockage or stuffiness ?

23-09-08, 21:25
well I figure if its a tumour it wouldve got worse by now and I really dont want to go for a scan......has anyone else been throught this type of thing

Do you mean a MRI? I have had two of them on my brain.

24-09-08, 09:19
I think a CT scan but its not getting worse

24-09-08, 15:27
if it were serious like a tumour would the headaches be getting worse over a few weeks ?

24-09-08, 18:27
if it were serious like a tumour would the headaches be getting worse over a few weeks ?

It depends. I have a tumour but so far no headaches. I doubt if you have a tumour though.

24-09-08, 18:29
well mine seem a little better but still last all day ....surely if it were serious they would be getting worse...can anxiety headaches last all day too

24-09-08, 18:36
I though tumours normally present without headaches and other symptoms

24-09-08, 19:04
I though tumours normally present without headaches and other symptoms

Someone I know through their relative had the most horrendous headaches, he was vomiting with them they were so bad. He was admitted to hospital and they found he had a tumour. That was about 5 years ago and he is still going strong.

24-09-08, 19:43
i get the same type of headache most of the time and been told its just tension

24-09-08, 19:58
well I get no other symptoms only headache....what does that suggest then

24-09-08, 20:41

I occasionally get headaches that last for days. I have found that painkillers don't usually work. What I do is go to bed early with a bowl of freezing cold water and a flannel turn the lights down and just try and relax and put a very cold wet flannel on my forehead. I keep turning it over and rinsing it in the cold water when it warms up and it usually kills the headache within a couple of hours.

Sound too simple to work I know but i really works for me and my wife swears by it now as well since she tried it. Might be worth a go.

24-09-08, 20:46
well I get no other symptoms only headache....what does that suggest then

Perhaps it is migraine?

24-09-08, 20:48
the doc says its tension and I should get a hobby to take my mind off it

24-09-08, 21:29
Hi Jamie

Just wanted to let you know that I have had a headache for about a month - maybe more. I really thought my head was going to explode and all the muscles around my scalp were tight, particularly on the left side where it felt like my scalp and face were actually higher than on the right.

Only tonight has it eased - I think because I got my breathing under control. I'm not bad at breathing into my abdomen (i.e. the correct way) but I do it far too much, too many breaths that are too big if you like.

I've been really scared about the headache but if it comes back I know what it is now. Might be worth trying to read up a bit about how to breathe properly to see if it helps you.

Hope this helps put your mind at rest.

Best wishes
