View Full Version : aching neck

celia davies
06-09-08, 15:24
I keep having a really bad aching neck does anyone else get this its right at the top where the lump bit is?

chris q
06-09-08, 15:52
o yes big time my neck will crack as well when i move it i also get pain in my head as well do you

06-09-08, 15:56
Yes Celia I get this all the time, its definately stress:D

06-09-08, 15:59
Afternoon Celia

I have a terrible problem with neck pain. I went to see a chiropractor who said all the muscles in my neck are inflammed & out of line thus giving me the ache which is also in my shoulders. Its not there all the time but around 1 week a month it plays up...i use Radian B muscle rub & ibuprofen which works a treat. The unfortunate thing with muscle pain is it constricts the blood vessels around the head (fron the muscles being tense)& causes refered head pains & scalp sensitivity which isnt great.

Try the above hun after a hot bath, works for me xxx

celia davies
06-09-08, 16:03
I always have it an iv been thinking about it all day an now iv caused a panic attack i keep thinking iv got things wrong wiv me i hate being this way

chris q
06-09-08, 16:07
its fine i get it all the time i dont worry i know its fine its all just Health Anxiety