View Full Version : having a panic attack

celia davies
06-09-08, 15:56
Icant get out of it i think im goin mad wats up wiv me im gonna die i cant breath i need some1

06-09-08, 16:00
I really wish I could take your attack away for you. Is there anyone you could phone to speak to?

06-09-08, 16:02

lots of deep breaths hun

u wont die, keep talking on here

love mandie x

Pink Panic
06-09-08, 16:19

It will pass ..... try to remember that you have experienced this before and got through it,

Big hug :bighug1:

06-09-08, 16:20
How you doing?

06-09-08, 16:27
Celia, do you have a paper bag handy? It will regulate your breathing back to normal. I'm so sorry you're feeling like this at the moment, but it will pass I promise you that. I always get this when I'm anxious, I've had it a zillion times.


06-09-08, 16:38
Celia, please let us know you are ok. DEEP BREATHS. :hugs:

celia davies
06-09-08, 17:10
its sort of passed now jst cant deal wiv this situation anymore!!
hate these symptons its like somethings happening 2 me:weep:

06-09-08, 18:29
I understand Celia, it can seem so frightening and we think this cant possibly all be down to panic and anxiety, but that is exactly what it is and it produces these horrible symptoms in our bodies. I know its very hard but if you can just try to realise that these are the results of panic and anxiety then their power can no longer have its strong grip on you. Fear breeds fear, vicious cycle. But I do understand how you feel Celia and hope you are feeling better. Love and hugs. God Bless. :hugs: