View Full Version : pain in left hand side of my tummy

chris q
06-09-08, 16:04
do any of you get a pain in the left hand side if your tummy i get like a ake some times and i also get pain in my head at the mo i am thinking i have all sorts pls help with any info

06-09-08, 16:18
do any of you get a pain in the left hand side if your tummy i get like a ake some times and i also get pain in my head at the mo i am thinking i have all sorts pls help with any info

Can you be a bit more specific about the tummy pain?

chris q
06-09-08, 16:21
its just a dull ake i have only started having it since some on told me about some one thay nem who was dieing from stomach cancer i get it on both sides some times i have told my doc and thay are not worred about it thay tihnk its all in my head

celia davies
06-09-08, 17:08
might just b trapped wind

chris q
06-09-08, 17:09
maby hope so

celia davies
06-09-08, 17:13
ialways get trapped wind an its really painful sometimes i just have 2 lie down it gets under my ribs ,not nice

chris q
06-09-08, 17:15
it a dull ake thou how ever i do tend to get it when i drink a lot of coffe

celia davies
06-09-08, 17:17
trapped wind can b any sort of pain,coffe is bad for my anxiety because the caffine makes ur heartrate faster

chris q
06-09-08, 17:19
do you ever get this pain

thoughts and actions
06-09-08, 17:30

i have just posted a looonnnngg thread about stomach probs in symptoms

I have ibs and nervous stomach- i get pains in my stomach all over - all the time.

Did you know that your stomach is actually under your right breast??

I get a dull pain on my left side all the time- if i rub it i can actually hear noises (nice eh) it sounds like trapped wind to me

Try drinking some hot water (but ensure you dont inhale to much air as this can cause wind) walk about rubbing your left side. If this doesnt work then try hot water bottle, failing this you can buy peppermint capsules from holland and barrret that will help


chris q
06-09-08, 17:35
as i said on the last post you are a legend i have been really worrying about this i feel much better thanks agen :blush:

07-09-08, 14:10
its just a dull ake i have only started having it since some on told me about some one thay nem who was dieing from stomach cancer i get it on both sides some times i have told my doc and thay are not worred about it thay tihnk its all in my head

Hey Chris q

Back in 2003 i had a family member dying from cancer, and i started getting a dull pressure type pain on my left side. In a nut shell, i went to the Drs, who said it was nothing, and then i pressured him into giving me for a horrible x-ray... which showed up nothing. When my Aunty my died, my pain went away, and infact it only started a few months after she was diagnosed.

So the fact that your pain started when you were told about the person with stomach cancer, would highly suggest that its all Anxiety, and your Dr has said its nothing to worry about.

chris q
07-09-08, 15:30
thanks AcroSplat that really helps me i am such a worryer :blush: