View Full Version : Just when I thought things were allright...

06-09-08, 17:14
Things were going pretty well for me the past week, but today I was invited to my friend's birthday party. I was fine when I went in, and we started watching a DVD. I gradually started feeling really uncomfortable. My head started throbbing, I was getting palpitations and started feeling sick. I made it to the end of the DVD but I felt awful. I asked for some water and to go outside which didn't really help, and I knew I couldn't manage the food which would be out in an hour. I had to say I felt ill and leave, and was only there less than 2 hours. I feel awful now about letting my friend down in this way and can't believe it happened.

Anyway just wanted to vent a bit because I feel OK now and am seriously annoyed with myself!!

06-09-08, 17:26
I think you are very brave for going to the party. You have to look at the positive in this experience. You were able to go. Yes you felt sick, but you did go and stayed as long as you could even though you felt really uncomortable and sick. This happens to me as well. I go some place and just feel too horrible and come home. I tend to focus on the fact that I had to leave which makes me feel worse. I have to practice looking at the fact that I went. When I am proud f myself I feel much better.
Take care.

06-09-08, 18:10
Hi hun :D:hugs:

Michelle is sooo right hun, when we do things we can focuse far to much on how bad we felt, it is a must, you focus on the positive side of what you did.

WOW, hun, you went, THATS GREAT :yesyes: please, hun, PUT MORE importants on, that you went, stayed for awhile. Try dame hard NOT to beat yourself up on leaving, this will fead your anxiety ,when you come to do it next time. Remember, its the doing (JFDI) that counts, there is nooooo fail in this hun, NONE AT ALL.

Our minds feed on what we put in them, soo, you must try hard to put less importants on what went wrong and instead, focus on what went right, ohhh boy, YOU DID GREAT.

You know, that FOR NOW, you have to learn to execpt how you feel , BUT, DO NOT expect to feel this way all the time or everytime you do something.

So, hunny, DON'T be annoyed with yourself, YOU HAVE NOTHING to be annoyed over, YOU DID GREAT, please try and see this :hugs:

Its good to hear your feeling ok now, THATS great to, please, be proud of yourself.



06-09-08, 18:38
Thanks Michelle and Jill for your kind messages :hugs:

06-09-08, 19:14
Just one point Graz.

Did you feel better as soon as you left?


06-09-08, 19:30
It took about 10 minutes after I walked out the door to feel 'right' again but I did feel relieved as soon as I left!

06-09-08, 19:30
Dont be to hard on yourself Graz.

You did go, so well done for that

love mandie x