View Full Version : panic attack

19-05-05, 12:26
hi everyone
i had to go to the doctors today and whaen i opened the door there was lots of people . i suffer from panic attacks and anxiety and depressin. i just could not cope .Had to go out side to wait and then the difficulty breathing started and then the being sick . I had to contact afriend to come and help me the lady at the surgury was not helpful .I feel such a fool .and have been unable to work for 2 years because of this problem . i thought to my self what a state to get in to . while i was being sick people where just walking past as normal .(good job really) at the moment i just hate life and wonder is it really worth it the only thing that keeps me going really is my husbund and children thanks for taking the time to read this from leanne

m evans

19-05-05, 13:06
Hi Leanne,

I haven't suffered from sickness, but I can sympathise. I know what its like to have the panic attacks, especially, when facing a crowded room.

Have you any help with this? Are you on meds etc?

I cant really advise on the sickness, apart from deep breathing.

Hope you feel better soon

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

19-05-05, 14:09
Hi Leanne,
So sorry you are feeling so awful, know exactly what you are going through, as will everyone on this site. Try not to feel too embarrassed about leaving the surgery and being sick, it is bad that no-one offered to help, but as you say, maybe at the time that was better for you? I don't actually get sick, but can relate to everything else you say. It is a long hard fight, but you can do it, don't give up, as you say, you have a good husband and kids, who adore you,read all the information that's here and keep in touch, others will be able to offer more advice, just wanted to let you know you are not alone in this xxx

19-05-05, 15:27
Hi Leanne

Welcome , sorry you've had such a rotton morning..

I've been there with he sickness bit - carried zip lok bags everywhere with me as when the churniness got too much that came next. I did find eventually that it you catch it early enough and started burping, the being sick bit was averted.

What sort of help have you had so far with this disorder as there is lots of help and ways through this..

First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

Sue K with 5
19-05-05, 15:50
Hi Leanne

I too had to go to the doctors the other day, and was in the same dilemma as you, fortunately, I dont get the sickness anymore, I stopped that a few years ago, But I know what you mean about those crowded rooms, I have to either find a quiet area or I tend to make my appointments for the crack of dawn before the others arrive, its like being at a chimps tea party and all I want to do is run.

You did really well to stay there, not matter how difficult it was and dont worry about other people.

Think of your family they would have been proud of you for at least being there.

Good luck and a big hug



19-05-05, 16:00
Welcome aboard Leanne!! I have been in the same situation in the past. I remember sitting in the waiting room and crying my eyes out!! Everyone just stared at me. You can get through this hun and I hope that we can help you do so.

Sarah :D

19-05-05, 16:20
hi leanne

welcome to the site, hope you feel better just seeing your not alone

Oh Sarah i have lost count ot the amount of times and places i have sat and bubbled at the time you just dont care LOL,

I have never been sick through a panic attack, just thought i wud pass out but never did,

hope you find this site helpful

take care

kairen x

19-05-05, 21:51
Hi Leanne

Welcome to the forum. I have social phobia and have been in the same situation of panicking in the surgery because of the number of people there.

Are you receiving any help with this?


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

20-05-05, 08:27
Hi leanne,

I know exactly where your coming from, I had the same experience a few months ago at the dentist, which resulted in me laying on the waiting room floor and then sitting outside being sick in the flower beds!! Luckily I had my dad with me.

I felt stupid at the time too...its only natural. But dont beat yourself up about it - I suffer depression/anxitey/panic and I can honestly say that things WILL get better. Its hard to think that it will when your feeling how you are at the moment. I still have bad days but the good ones outweigh the bad.

I find it hard going to the doctors too, and i dread pulling up and seeing that their busy, but im learning to deal with it.

Have you explained fully everything to your GP? Im being referd by mine for anxiety managment...have they ever discussed anything like this with you? And are you on any meds?

Take care - If you ever wanna PM me feel free.

Tatty B xx

20-05-05, 10:20
Hi Leanne,

Sorry to hear you are having such a bad time. I also really do sympathise as i get exactly the same. My doctors surgery became such a problem for me, my doctor agreed to me having telephone appts for a while, which has helped take some pressure off.
Are you on any meds? Or receiving any help?

Take care, and don't give up - it will become easier.

tracy x x

20-05-05, 11:13
Hi Leanne,
i hope you are feeling a little better. I really feel for you- i have been sick due to anxiety before too and it's a terrible feeling. I was on a train home from work about a year ago and every time i swallowed i felt like i was choking. There were so many people around and i was getting more and more agitated. I had to rush off the train at the first stop i knew and run to my dads office to be sick!! I really didnt want to make the rest of the journey home but my dad came with me and i found that sipping water helped a lot. I really hope you are OK hun.
Take care
Love Em xx

wayne lewis
08-09-08, 07:35
yes i get the same way sometimes. just keep the positive thoughts in your head as negative thoughts will make you worse