View Full Version : Cold surges and racing heart

06-09-08, 21:16
Have been on 20mg of Citalopram for 3 days and everytime I stand up my heart races and I keep feeling this cold rush in my chest. it seems as though a panic is going to start, but when I sit down it seems to subside. Does anyone else suffer from this, could this be a side effect. I am going to be patient and give them time, but I just wanted to know if anyone else has had this feeling
Thanks for reading any advice would be great

06-09-08, 21:41
Hi There,
i've never taken citalopram so i couldnt tell you wether it's a classic side effect or not but it sounds possible. When i first started taking fluoxetine i had some pretty strange side effects, which worried me heaps but now they'r settled in my system i'm fine. Also, have you had your blood pressure checked because i sometimes get these feelings when my blood pressure has dropped and then i stand up or do something quickly. It happens during the night when i wake up quickly and get out of bed.
Hope this helps!

07-09-08, 13:56
Thanks Pinkpiglet,
Thank god I haven't had any today yet !! Had a great night sleep and feel a lot better today. I have adrenal insufficiency anyway so my blood pressure does fluctuate, but it wasn't like that. But thanks so much for your message anyway. hope that you are having a good day?
Love Elaine