View Full Version : Swaying when Driving

06-09-08, 22:11

Had a scarey moment today. We were at friends and I worry about Blood pressure. We had a noodle supper with a lot of soy sauce in. I thought it had a lot of salt in and worried about my Blood Pressure going up and giving me a stroke. Later while sitting down I felt a strange but plesant feeling down my Right arm, like a shiver or rush. This started me worrying that it was a mild stroke or the start of one. Any way on the way home I felt my self feeling very unsteady while driving on the motorway. I felt very unsafe and this made the swaying even worse. I pulled over on to the hard sholder and let my wife drive. I am now at home and still swaying while sat down. I took 150mg of asprin just in case....very scarey.


Pink Panic
07-09-08, 11:18

Your post set me thinking that maybe it was the soya sauce or more importantly the MSG in the soya sauce that gave you these feelings. I know from personal experience that i suffer after eating anything containing it?!

07-09-08, 11:20
do you think deep down you knew as soon as you had the soy sauce you would be panicking about it and it was just anxiety

07-09-08, 11:35

I am sure, well nearly, that it was just anxiety. When the panic comes you cannot think rationally and this makes everything worse. Each time I get this swaying feeling I worry it is something sinister. The next day when it has gone I feel ok again until the next time.

Thanks for the support.
