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miss motown
06-09-08, 23:25
hi everyone i havent posted for awhile but really need some advice.well for sometime now i have terrible pains in my stomach ive been waking up in the early hours wanting to go to the loo i have also got stabbing pains below i feel as if ive been kicked in my private i went to c my gp and she gave me antibiotics and said it could be a water infection ur thrush well ive taken the tabs and fineshed the course and its still with me im gettin really worried incase its somethin more serious i keep thinking cancer of the bladder ur cervix ive got to go bk and tell her its still there has anybody else had this id appreciate any replys thanx

06-09-08, 23:32
If it is what I have then it is fibroids and an ovarian cyst and very very painful.

A scan can tell you one way or the other.

Ask for that

06-09-08, 23:43
Hiya Hun.
Cystitus usually burns or hurts when you wee and makes you feel like you want to keep going to the loo. Water infections can make you feel really generally unwell, and can give you the feeling like you need to go a lot...and thrush can make you really itchy too.
Your gp shouldve taken a water sample surely to see what the problem was?
I used to get cystitus/water infections a lot when i was younger...drinking cranberry juice is great for those problems as its full of antioxidants, and natural yogurt is a good help too.
Maybe you should go back and see your gp again if your still worried and ask them to examine you properly...might be a good idea to take a water sample for them to test for you.
Hope your feeling better soon hun